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Daffodil Replicator


Daffodil Replicator is a powerful Open Source Java tool for data integration, data migration and data protection in real time. It allows bi-directional data replication and synchronization between homogeneous / heterogeneous databases including Oracle and MySQL.

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Linux

The project is no longer developed. Last version, 2.1, released in October 2006, can be still downloaded from SourceForge.

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Daffodil Replicator information

  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    8 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Daffodil Replicator was added to AlternativeTo by moiseevigor on Oct 31, 2012 and this page was last updated Oct 16, 2018.
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What is Daffodil Replicator?

Daffodil Replicator is a powerful Open Source Java tool for data integration, data migration and data protection in real time. It allows bi-directional data replication and synchronization between homogeneous / heterogeneous databases including Oracle and MySQL.

Daffodil Replicator provides various features to replicate data between different databases. Various features are:

Bi-directional Data Synchronization Daffodil Replicator supports bi-directional data synchronization. It allows you to synchronize all the datasources available in the replication process. It maintains data integrity by applying all the changes made at one end to another end and vice versa in the replication process.

Supports replication across heterogeneous database Daffodil Replicator supports replication among different databases. For example, you can use one datasource as Daffodil DB and another as SQL Server in the same replication process.

Conflict detector and resolution Daffodil Replicator provides conflict detection and resolution functionalities that allow you to make changes in the same database simultaneously. For example, A conflict occurs when the changes are made in the same record of a database simultaneously from different locations. In case of conflicts, Daffodil Replicator automatically manages consistency based on the settings specified by the user at the time of creating job or subscription.

Partial Replication Daffodil Replicator also allows you to replicate only a part of the database in place of replicating the whole database. For example, you can replicate some tables from a database by selecting the table names. In addition, you can replicate some rows and columns from a database using filtering. Large datatype support Replicator supports almost all data types of supported databases. It also supports BLOB and CLOB replication.