Cydia icon
Cydia icon



Cydia is a Debian APT package manager that lets you download tweaks and apps that haven't been approved by Apple for your jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, via repositories.

Cydia screenshot 1
Cydia screenshot 2
Cydia screenshot 3

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application types


  • Online  Has a web interface for viewing repositories
  • iPhone  Jailbroken iPhone
  • iPad  Jailbroken iPad

On December 13, 2018 Saurik has announced that the Cydia Store is shut down because of a bug with Paypal and lack of funds. He recommends to remove the saved Paypal info from the Cydia account and assures the users that he intends to maintain the ability to download existing packages.

3.8 / 5 Avg rating (4)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Jailbreak required
  2.  System Tweaker
  3.  Content Discovery
  4.  Unattended installation
  5.  App Store
  6.  Package Manager
  7.  Home Screen
  8.  Native application
  9.  Modules
  10.  Nearby Scan

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    9021007 added Cydia as alternative to TrollStore
    about 2 months ago
  • wsalmontsc liked Cydia
    7 months ago
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    rootpk added Cydia as alternative to Rootpk
    11 months ago
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Cydia information

  • Developed by

    Jay Freeman
  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 3.8
  • Alternatives

    31 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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OS & UtilitiesDevelopmentOnline Services

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Our users have written 4 comments and reviews about Cydia, and it has gotten 330 likes

Cydia was added to AlternativeTo by OmgItsTheSmartGuy on Jul 14, 2010 and this page was last updated Dec 25, 2019.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentApr 21, 2017

Cydia working very well on my device running on iOS 8.3. Recently I have updated my iOS device to iOS 10.3 which not jail breakable. So I have been using Vshare market app to get all latest paid applications for free.

Top negative commentAug 13, 2010

This is the App Store of jailbroken iPhones (though apps from the App Store still work :P). You can't do without it.

Which is annoying, because Cydia is as SLOW AS HELL. It spends eighty five million years reloading every time you open it- quite annoying.

2 replies

The reason for its being incredibly slow is that it needs to synchronize the local package list with all the remote APT-GET repositories. A normal installation of APT-GET has about 4 repos enabled at a time. Cydia will sometimes have 20 or more. This is the reason behind the ridiculous refresh time.

Reply written Sep 30, 2012

If this reply contains spam or other abuse, notify admins about it.

Cydia works like it's supposed to just because it's slow at times does not mean it sucks it means you need to have a bigger system partition for mods if you need more info on that see how mods are stored on the ios device system mods that need root for obvious reasons will be on the system partition

Reply written Oct 22, 2015

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Positive commentNov 5, 2018

Because iwant to collect toxin on zombie cafe

CommentOct 22, 2015

Cydia works like its supposed to just because its slow at times dose not mean it sucks it means you need to have a bigger system partition for mods if you need more info on that see how mods are stored on the ios device system mods that need root for obvious reasons will be on the system partition


What is Cydia?

Cydia is a Debian APT package manager that lets you download tweaks and apps that haven't been approved by Apple for your jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, via repositories.

Repositories with additional packages can be added to Cydia through "Manage->Sources->Edit->Add".

Cydia is preinstalled with most iOS jailbreaks, since iPhone OS 2.0.

Cydia for iOS 11, updated by Saurik, is officially supported in unc0ver by @Pwn20wnd. (It is also compatible for iOS 12)

In December 2018, the Cydia Store has been shut down, which only affects 3 of the main default repos, including BigBoss. Because of this, one is no longer able to buy tweaks from those 3 repos, but one can still download the free ones.

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