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Cleanmgr+ is a portable app that builds upon the Microsoft Disk Clean-up Tool (Cleanmgr.exe) by adding additional features and deleting more junk than the Disk Clean-up Tool.

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License model

  • FreeProprietary

Application type


  • Windows  Cleanmgr+ requires Windows 10, 8.1, 8
4 / 5 Avg rating (1)
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  1.  Delete Temporary Files

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Cleanmgr+ information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    23 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

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OS & Utilities

GitHub repository

  •  656 Stars
  •  63 Forks
  •  28 Open Issues
  •   Updated May 18, 2024 
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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about Cleanmgr+, and it has gotten 4 likes

Cleanmgr+ was added to AlternativeTo by Black_Cookie on Feb 12, 2019 and this page was last updated Oct 5, 2020.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentDec 6, 2022

Update : Autorun works silent and fine after adjusting scripts and settings manually - no gui for it. Remove 'warn' and 'show' comments from the scripts. Still some cleaning windows popup but without asking for confirmation. The confirmation at the end has disappeared using '/nowindow' instead of '/auto'. A default set of silent mode would be appreciated.


What is Cleanmgr+?

Cleanmgr+ is a portable app that builds upon the Microsoft Disk Clean-up Tool (Cleanmgr.exe) by adding additional features and deleting more junk than the Disk Clean-up Tool.

Disk Cleanup isn't immediately disappearing from your machine, but it is nearing its shelf life as far as Microsoft is concerned. It can still be used by right-clicking a drive, selecting Properties, and then click the Disk Cleanup button to launch it. And it still works the same way on Windows 10 today.

You can also launch it from the Start menu or run the cleanmgr.exe program. But it was deprecated with the October 2018 update. This fact means that it has been replaced by a new tool. Windows 10 version 1803 came up with the Storage Sense functionality, and it works in relatively the same as the Disk Cleanup Tool.

The downside of Storage Sense is the massive UI. This size is why I decided to make Cleanmgr+ to circumvent that massive UI of Storage Sense but still provide a utility that is true to the original.

Cleanmgr+ comes with better and and modern UI when compared to the current Disk Cleanup and with an additional feature set (hence the +), such as the feeding with Custom scripts, i.e., to clean a Browser cache, etc.

There are many Disk Cleaner utilities out there, but the goal with this one was to create a tool that uses Windows own resources ensuring that only system-compliant actions are performed.

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