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Chip Genius icon

Chip Genius


Used to identify the chip set of USB devices and gather all important information about USB flash drive to start searching about the right repair software .Chip Genius 2014 is one of the best and professional USB tools for checking the USB information, reads the card, the...

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Windows

The app is no longer referenced on official website, but last version, 3.0.1, released on September 2010, can be still downloaded from


The official program is discontinued and last version was 3.0.1. Other versions around the web, like 4.0 or RC, are unsafe: scanning them with VirusTotal are detected as malware from about 10 antiviruses.

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  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
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    • English

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Chip Genius was added to AlternativeTo by kamilmansuri on Mar 22, 2014 and this page was last updated Nov 27, 2014. Chip Genius is sometimes referred to as ChipGenius.
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What is Chip Genius?

Used to identify the chip set of USB devices and gather all important information about USB flash drive to start searching about the right repair software .Chip Genius 2014 is one of the best and professional USB tools for checking the USB information, reads the card, the motion hard disk and so on master control chip model, the manufacturer, the brand, and provides the correlation data downloading address.Chip Genius 2014 has the biggest data base for most of the old and recent models of USB from all the vendors .Certainly may also inquire USB equipment's VID/PID information, the equipment name, the series number, the equipment edition and so on.