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x86 userspace emulator for ARM-based Linux machines. Enable the running of 32-bit x86 software on ARM-based PCs.

License model

  • FreeOpen Source

Application type


  • Linux  32-bit subsystem required
1 / 5 Avg rating (1)
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  1.  X86-emulation
  2.  Emulation
  3.  Virtualization

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    about 2 months ago
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  • Licensing

    Open Source and Free product.
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  • Supported Languages

    • English

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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about box86, and it has gotten 2 likes

box86 was added to AlternativeTo by ilnahro on Sep 17, 2020 and this page was last updated Aug 26, 2021.

Comments and Reviews

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Top negative commentAug 21, 2021

No GPU translation? Pretty slow.


What is box86?

Linux Userspace x86 Emulator with a twist

Box86 lets you run x86 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86 Linux, like ARM (host system needs to be 32bit little-endian).

You NEED a 32-bit subsystem to run and build Box86. Box86 is useless on 64-bit only systems. Also, you NEED a 32-bit toolchain to build Box86. A toolchain that only support 64-bit will not compile Box86, and you'll get errors (typically on aarch64, you get "-marm" not recognized).

Because Box86 uses the native versions of some "system" libraries, like libc, libm, SDL, and OpenGL, it's easy to integrate and use, and performance can be surprisingly high in some cases.

Most x86 Games need OpenGL, so on ARM platforms a solution like gl4es is usually necessary.

Box86 now integrates a DynaRec (dynamic recompiler) for the ARM platform, providing a speed boost between 5 to 10 times faster than only using the interpreter.

Many games already work, for example: WorldOfGoo, Airline Tycoon Deluxe, and FTL. Many of the GameMaker Linux games also run fine (there a long list, among them are UNDERTALE, A Risk of Rain, and Cook Server Delicious)

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