BibleMe is an app designed from the top down to take advantage of the best features available on the market for Bible memorization while sticking with modern, material design aesthetics. Any Christian hungry to memorize the Word should seriously consider using BibleMe on a daily basis!
While other applications on the market provide a similar experience, it feels like many of them are either clunky or could just be done better. BibleMe remedies that problem by offering an intuitive, but still powerful, interface that functions as beautifully as it is designed.
BibleMe utilizes the learn and test method to memorize Bible verses. The learn method displays the verse with the entire text visible. By typing each verse with a clear guide, you will quickly get familiar with verses and nearly memorize them. This should be repeated as much as necessary until you feel confident you can recall the majority of the Bible verse without the guide. The test method removes the text guide from the display. That way, you can sufficiently test yourself to make sure you can recall the passage without help.
- Quick and efficient memorizing system
- Verse organization with due dates
- Import Bible verses from the web
- Real-time notifications to review verses
- Customizable reminders to add new verses
- Casual quick quizzing and flashcards
- Voice input typing compatible
- Faster typing with the area keyboard
- Fun and collectable badges
- Highly customizable settings