What is Bible - KJV,NIV and etc..?
Experience a unique bible study with Bible - KJV,NIV and etc.. app. Read, learn and share God's word. Customize your Bible with Highlights, Bookmarks, and Notes. You could download everything and then read offline. Share your discoveries with friends.
It's totally free with 3,00+ Bible versions, hundreds of languages, hundreds of Reading Plans & Devotionals, and thousands of holy songs in 40+ languages.
- Daily verse with gorgeous graphics
- Cross study and reference with different Bible versions in 40+ languages
- Popular versions: King James Version KJV, New International Version NIV, New King James Version NKJV, New Living Translation NLT, English Standard Version ESV, NASB, The Message
- Offline Bibles: Access all content without Internet connection
- Reading Plans: Hundreds of Devotionals, Bible Plans. Study topics or portions of the Bible. Read the entire Bible. Start the new year! Keep study the holy bible with optimized plans.
- Songs: Download and sing songs with holy spirit.
- Highlights: Mark your favorite part or inspiring verses with customized colors
- Bookmarks: Sharing, memorizing, finding your favorite verses
- Share verses with friends: social media, email, or SMS (text)
- Notes: Keep them private so only you can see them
- Easy Reading: Adjust font, text size, and contrast for bright or low-light