Resume from power-off state - Auto Poweron & Shutdown allows you to auto-start up your computer to work at a specified date and time, even if the system was stopped in hibernation.
Wake up from sleep mode - Auto Poweron & Shutdown allows you to wake up your computer from sleep mode (s3 standby) at specified time.
Task Schedule - Auto Poweron & Shutdown allows you to open files, play sounds, run programs, close programs, open website, show messages, standby/hibernate, shutdown/reboot, etc. at any specified time.
Auto Shutdown - This is a feature of Auto Poweron & Shutdown that you may find useful. It allows your computer to auto-shutdown at specified time.
Auto Poweron & Shutdown
Keyboard/Mouse Macro - Record to scripts and playback that you type with the keyboard and move and click with the mouse, a useful feature for such as TV record, supports Windows Vista 64bit.
Auto Poweron & Shutdown is an easy to use application that allows you to control your computer resume from power-off state (hibernation) or wake up from sleep mode (stand by).
With Auto Poweron & Shutdown, you can have more fun in your life. Wake up every morning at the sound of your own favorite music. Go to your office to find that your computer has already been turned on for you. And when you leave to go home, the program helps you close the computer so it doesn't wear off...
Comments and Reviews
I have met only software, which can switch on my computer on desired time. There are a lot of software which can shut-down computer but no one can switch computer on.