Arena Simulation Software

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Arena is a discrete event simulation and automation software developed by Systems Modeling and acquired by Rockwell Automation in 2000. It uses the SIMAN processor and simulation language.

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    Proprietary and Commercial product.
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What is Arena Simulation Software?

Arena is a discrete event simulation and automation software developed by Systems Modeling and acquired by Rockwell Automation in 2000. It uses the SIMAN processor and simulation language. As of June 2014, it is in version 14.7, providing significant enhancements in optimization and animation. In Arena, the user builds an experiment model by placing modules (boxes of different shapes) that represent processes or logic. Connector lines are used to join these modules together and to specify the flow of entities. While modules have specific actions relative to entities, flow, and timing, the precise representation of each module and entity relative to real-life objects is subject to the modeler. Statistical data, such as cycle time and WIP (work in process) levels, can be recorded and outputted as reports.

Arena can be integrated with Microsoft technologies. It includes Visual Basic for Applications so models can be further automated if specific algorithms are needed. It also supports importing Microsoft Visio flowcharts, as well as reading from or outputting to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases. Hosting ActiveX controls is also supported.