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AppGuard icon



AppGuard software blocks malware attacks that your existing anti-virus/spyware cannot yet detect. Cyber criminals modify the malicious code they buy off the Internet so your AV/AS can not detect it, which is disturbingly easy. AppGuard does not rely on signatures.

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  • Windows
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  • sredfred and kylprq liked AppGuard
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AppGuard information

  • Developed by

    Blue Ridge Networks
  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    One time purchase (perpetual license) that costs $0.
  • Alternatives

    8 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 0 comments and reviews about AppGuard, and it has gotten 5 likes

AppGuard was added to AlternativeTo by lucasffg on Feb 25, 2013 and this page was last updated Apr 24, 2019.
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What is AppGuard?

AppGuard software blocks malware attacks that your existing anti-virus/spyware cannot yet detect. Cyber criminals modify the malicious code they buy off the Internet so your AV/AS can not detect it, which is disturbingly easy. AppGuard does not rely on signatures. Install AppGuard alongside your AV/AS to stop whatever malware attacks you. AppGuard was made for ordinary computer users so you don't have to be a computer security expert to be safe.