New Features
new Supported Linux Kernels
Linux kernel from 2.6.36 to 5.19.x
Automatic driver rebuild for newer supported kernels with DKMS library.
new Supported macOS versions
macOS versions 10.13 High Sierra to 12 Monterey.
Key Features
32/64 Bit architecture support
Both x86 and x86-64 CPUs are supported.
Extended SMP support
Support for SMP kernels (multiprocessor systems).
Share your data over a network
Share volumes mounted by APFS for Linux via SAMBA.
Low CPU load during data transfers
Reduced CPU load and memory consumption.
No file or volume size limitations
There are no limitations to maximum file and volume size within Linux kernel and APFS limitations.
Support of non-Roman characters and languages
File and folder names in native languages, including Asian. Codepage for filename translation is specified via mount options.
Supported Technologies
APFS features
Full support for APFS subvolumes on 64-bit systems
Full support for space sharing between subvolumes within the same APFS container
Reading and writing compressed files is fully supported in both sequential and random orders
Reading and writing cloned files is fully supported in both sequential and random orders
Read-only access to APFS encrypted volumes
Read-only access to APFS snapshots
Supported Architectures
This product supports only x86 and x86-64 architectures.
Paragon Software Group also offers drivers for other architectures where Linux is used. For example:
SuperH (SH4)
Power PC
For more information, please send us a request.
System Requirements
Processor: Intel Pentium 300 MHz and higher, or compatible
Both 32- and 64-bit CPUs are supported
RAM: 32 MB
HDD: 10 MB
Supported storage types: SSD, HDD, flash. No support for Fusion Drive and T2 Security Chip encryption.
Supported Linux Kernels
Linux kernel versions 2.6.36 up to 5.19.x.
Due to the ever-changing nature of Linux, using newer Linux kernels may require changes to the product. The driver update appears within 1 month after the kernel release. The product doesn’t insure compatibility with highly customized kernels.
To keep up with changes in the Linux kernel, our product is updated frequently. As a result, this website may not contain the most up-to-date information. Please contact support for the most up-to-date list of supported Linux kernels.
Development Environment
A development environment is required to compile the Linux drivers.
Please make sure that you have installed:
kernel header files
GNU C (gcc) compiler
GNU C++ (g++/gcc-c++) compiler
GNU Glibc-static libraries
GNU Make
GNU ld (binutils)
Modutils (module-init-tools)
DKMS library (for automatic installation upon kernel version change)