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Adebar stands for Android Device Backup and Report. It is mainly based on Bash and Adb. It reportedly works on Linux, Mac and Windows (Cygwin).

Adebar screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Cygwin
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  1.  Lightweight


  1.  Command line interface
  2.  Portable

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Adebar information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Open Source (GPL-2.0) and Free product.
  • Alternatives

    7 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Categories

Backup & SyncOS & Utilities

GitHub repository

  •  228 Stars
  •  41 Forks
  •  3 Open Issues
  •   Updated Mar 11, 2024 

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Adebar was added to AlternativeTo by Daniel Smith on Mar 28, 2024 and this page was last updated Mar 28, 2024.
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What is Adebar?

Adebar stands for Android Device Backup and Report. It is mainly based on Bash and Adb. It reportedly works on Linux, Mac and Windows (Cygwin).

Note: As this is a collection of Shell scripts, you won't find any “binaries” attached to releases – there are none for Adebar and no “compilation” is required. Please take a look at the wiki for further details and instructions.

What makes Adebar specific?

There are plenty of backup solutions available for Android, including such intended as front-end for ADB. So what is specific for Adebar that I wrote it, knowing of those other solutions?

The task I wrote Adebar for is to be able to quickly back up a device, and restore the backup again – e.g. when I need to factory-reset a device. That includes the case where I have to send a device to be serviced, and need to use a different device meanwhile – which would rule out a “complete restore” due to the side effects system-apps might cause, especially when the second device is from a completely different manufacturer, and/or runs a different version of Android or even a completely different ROM. That's one of the reasons why the scripts generated by Adebar create one backup file per app (instead of one huge backup.ab holding them all) – while the other is to be able to select what to restore in general.

As a side effect, Adebar generates a “report” (or “short documentation”) on the device – including general device information (like model, Android version, device features, device status, configured accounts) as well as some details on installed apps (install source/date, last update, version, etc.).

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