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Academic Presenter icon

Academic Presenter


Academic Presenter is a free offline presentation software which enables users to prepare a special type of vector-based presentations. This unique software helps users to represents very huge graphs in addition to raster images, audios, and videos.

Academic Presenter screenshot 1

License model

  • FreeProprietary


  • Windows

The installer contains adware and possibly other malware as well. Be careful during the installation:

4 / 5 Avg rating (2)
0 news articles


Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Text to Speech
  2.  Online Sharing
  3.  Offline
  4.  Non linear presentation
  5.  Infinite canvas

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Academic Presenter information

  • Developed by

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Free product.
  • Rating

    Average rating of 4
  • Alternatives

    80 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

Our users have written 2 comments and reviews about Academic Presenter, and it has gotten 31 likes

Academic Presenter was added to AlternativeTo by danialesmaeili on May 8, 2015 and this page was last updated Mar 17, 2020.

Comments and Reviews

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Top positive commentMar 23, 2016

In spite of the warning tag which your site displays beside the Academic Presenter, this program IS safe. As stated by the creators of this program in their site (see link) , the best anti-virus programs found it completely safe. Only some anti-virus programs identify it falsely as unsafe.

Positive commentNov 4, 2015

Hello everyone! Will share my feelings of using this program. Definite pluses:

  1. the Program takes up very little space on your hard drive and quickly installed.
  2. program Launch is accompanied by a nice logo with the hedgehog, which creates the feeling of meeting with powerful graphics tools.
  3. Have program wide multimedia capabilities. Great features edit basic forms, shapes according to your desire.
  4. Your presentations - your presentation. There are no problems with privacy of your presentations. You decide to show your stuff or not. The program does not expose your personal presentation in public. This program respects your time, the collected data in the presentation, and your personality.
  5. I could not find a similar program for windows with similar functionality that would, attention (!!!) FREE. Absolutely free. This program is a unique case.

Now the drawbacks (which, judging by the promises of the developers will be remedied in the near future):

  1. Certainly made presentation need someone to show and, unfortunately, now to show the other person it is necessary to install the program on your computer. Support online viewing no.
  2. Some difficult (as in graphic editors such as adobe) design, the interface is not very intuitive. Spend some time to get acquainted with the controls. It seems to me that the program has found good prospects, just need to modify it for a wider range of users and make the interface more clear. My personal rating 4 of 5 points.

What is Academic Presenter?

Academic Presenter is a software which enables users to prepare a special type of vector-based presentations. This unique software helps users to represents very huge graphs in addition to raster images, audios, and even videos. The software composed of two major sectors; the first sector is proposing handy tools to build graphs and frames in a minute. The second sector is animation which creates effulgence transitions in camera and elements for representing different parts of your presentation. The bottom line is that it is FREE.

What are the new features? 1- Adjusting time by using Onscreen Timekeeper 2- Adding Bookmark to a certain topic and recalling whenever is needed 3- Inserting PDF directly inside canvas and changing page by using keyboard 4- Writing on canvas by digitizer and reanimating at specific frames. 5- Adding hyperlink to labels 6- Improving stability and bug fixes 7- User Interface (UI) has been enhanced 8- Upgradable to a newer versions without further installation 9- Supporting wireless presenter 10- Transitions between slides 11- Canvas rotation is added when the selected object is rotated 12- Exporting Presentation file to PDF file format 13- Background music 14-...

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