A to Z Converter Alternatives
A to Z Converter is described as '"A to Z Converter" provides a set of free converters to easily convert between anything to anything else. Be it Units, Colors, Age, Timezone or Currency. Now user need not download numerous applications in order to satisfy daily conversion needs' and is an app. There are more than 50 alternatives to A to Z Converter for a variety of platforms, including Android, iPhone, Web-based, Windows and iPad apps. The best A to Z Converter alternative is Numi, which is free. Other great apps like A to Z Converter are Converter NOW, World Time Buddy, timeanddate.com and Time.is.
filter to find the best alternatives
A to Z Converter alternatives are mainly Calculators but may also be Countdown Timers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of A to Z Converter.- Free • Proprietary
- 1 like46 Easy Timezones alternatives
Easy Timezones is the simplest, easiest way to compare time zones throughout the world. Schedule meetings to suit all your friends, family and colleagues.
Easy Timezones VS A to Z Converter
Is Easy Timezones a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like40 Universal Currency Converter alternatives
As the name suggests,
Universal Currency Converter is a simple currency converter tailored to the users in Asia Pacific region.
It also enables you to see the commodities prices of:
Universal Currency Converter VS A to Z Converter
Is this a good alternative to A to Z Converter? -
- 1 like50 Every Time Zone alternatives
Every Time Zone offers a simple, intuitive web app to help you know what time it is at various locations around the world.
Every Time Zone VS A to Z Converter
Is Every Time Zone a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like33 Price Helper alternatives
Currency converter Price Helper – identifying prices using camera; more than 140 currencies in the database.
Price Helper VS A to Z Converter
Is Price Helper a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like53 Unit Wolf alternatives
Unit Wolf is a unit conversion program created for quick and reliable conversions. Enter entire equations or just simple numbers. Convert between 170 currencies or easily add different units together. Supports Length, Temperature, Pressure, Digital Storage, Mass, Speed, Volume...
Unit Wolf VS A to Z Converter
Is Unit Wolf a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 6 likes57 ConvertPad alternatives
ConvertPad is a fully featured unit converter offering various unit conversions in a Android phone. It is the units converter made specifically to match the look and feel of the Android. With all of the conversions that ConvertPad can perform, It is especially useful for...
ConvertPad VS A to Z Converter
Is ConvertPad a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like40 Sharp World Clock alternatives
Sharp World Clock is the most advanced Software World Clock available, showing multiple analog or digital Clocks on your Desktop and the exact Time in any major City of the World. Including Meeting Planner, Time Converter, Month Calendar Widget, Alarm Clocks, Weather, News...
Sharp World Clock VS A to Z Converter
Is Sharp World Clock a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 4 likes54 Real-Time Currency Converter alternatives
CURRENCY EXCHANGE CONVERTER App will help you to find the value of any country's currency and compare it to the currencies of other countries with on click ,it convert in the real time which will help you gain perspective on the value of a specific currency over time.
Real-Time Currency Converter VS A to Z Converter
Is this a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - Like this app31 Wims World Clock alternatives
WorldClock shows you the time in different places over the world. Also included are the Swatch Internet Time, Julian Date and StarDate. You can also use it to synchronize the time with an atomic clock.
Wims World Clock VS A to Z Converter
Is Wims World Clock a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like24 Microsoft Time Zone alternatives
Do you have relatives that live far away? Do you work with people from other countries? Use this simple utility to keep track of the time in other part of the world. Share your ideas without waking up your buddies.
Microsoft Time Zone VS A to Z Converter
Is Microsoft Time Zone a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like42 Qlock alternatives
Qlock is a stylish, simple and yet powerful desktop world clock.
See the full feature list on http://www.qlock.com/compare.html.
Qlock VS A to Z Converter
Is Qlock a good alternative to A to Z Converter? - 1 like37 Calvertr alternatives
With over 34 categories and 1150+ units, Calvertr is one of the most extensive applications on the app store. Calvertr is simple, easy-to-use and fully featured unit converter and smart calculator to handle any conversion you'll ever need.
Calvertr VS A to Z Converter
Is Calvertr a good alternative to A to Z Converter?