A Tiling Script With Python Imaging

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This very simple script requires the installation of Python, Python imaging and ImageMagick. Its crying out for a web front end and maybe generalization Perl and PHP versions as well as a front end.

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  • FreeOpen Source


  • Mac  Requires the installation of Python, Python Imaging and Imagemagick.
  • Windows  Requires the installation of Python, Python Imaging and Imagemagick.
  • Linux  Requires the installation of Python, Python Imaging and Imagemagick.
  • Online  Requires the installation of Python, Python Imaging and Imagemagick.
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    Open Source and Free product.
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Our users have written 1 comments and reviews about A Tiling Script With Python Imaging, and it has gotten 1 likes

A Tiling Script With Python Imaging was added to AlternativeTo by socrtwo on Jun 15, 2010 and this page was last updated Nov 27, 2014.

Comments and Reviews

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CommentJun 15, 2010

You may have to remove the reference to the True Type Font in the script with Windows 7. Windows 7 seems to handle fonts different than previous versions of Windows. Also even you have an earlier version, you may not have the font requested. Removing the line does not seem to effect the outcome in my test.


What is A Tiling Script With Python Imaging?

This very simple script requires the installation of Python, Python imaging and ImageMagick. Its crying out for a web front end and maybe generalization Perl and PHP versions as well as a front end.

Nevertheless I tested it out and it does work.