55Photos AlternativesPhoto Managers and other similar apps like 55Photos
55Photos is described as 'Web app that works with Google Photos, Google Drive, Dropbox, VK, Flickr. Using 55Photos you can explore, view, edit, manage, organize, transfer, download, upload, backup online photos and images' and is a Photo Manager in the photos & graphics category. There are more than 10 alternatives to 55Photos, not only websites but also apps for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone and Android apps. The best 55Photos alternative is Google Photos, which is free. Other great sites and apps similar to 55Photos are PhotoLikr, PhotoSync, Tool for Google Photos and Mylio Photos.
filter to find the best alternatives
55Photos alternatives are mainly Photo Managers but may also be Photo Sharing Apps or Image Editors. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of 55Photos.- Photo Manager
- Free • Proprietary
- 326 likes126 Google Photos alternatives
Store and share photos and videos with 15 GB free space. Enjoy automatic organization, album creation, and seamless integration across devices and Google services.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Chrome OS
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Top Google Photos Features
Google Photos VS 55Photos
Is Google Photos a good alternative to 55Photos? - Like this app8 PhotoLikr alternatives
Effortlessly navigate, rate, and upload images using PhotoLikr; integrate Lightroom ratings and export top picks, fully supporting formats like RAW, JPEG, and more while enabling social media sharing on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
PhotoLikr Features
PhotoLikr VS 55Photos
Is PhotoLikr a good alternative to 55Photos? - 7 likes7 PhotoSync alternatives
PhotoSync makes wireless transfer of your photos/videos from/to your Computer, other devices, Dropbox, and Flickr a breeze. Just select, choose target and you’re done. If you receive a phone call or switch to another app while syncing, PhotoSync will continue to transfer photos...
PhotoSync VS 55Photos
Is PhotoSync a good alternative to 55Photos? - 8 likes4 Tool for Google Photos alternatives
This app helps you manage your Google Photos , Picasa web albums.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Android
- Android Tablet
- Google Photos
Tool for Google Photos Features
Tool for Google Photos VS 55Photos
Is this a good alternative to 55Photos? - 39 likes168 Mylio Photos alternatives
Mylio Photos brings all your photos from different devices and cameras into one beautifully organized, secure library. It lets you focus on what you love—capturing and sharing your best moments—while knowing your collection is always with you, perfectly curated, backed up, and Cloud free.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
Mylio Photos Features
Mylio Photos VS 55Photos
Is Mylio Photos a good alternative to 55Photos? - 5 likes5 DownAlbum alternatives
Download Facebook (Album & Video), Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Ask.fm, Weibo Album.
DownAlbum VS 55Photos
Is DownAlbum a good alternative to 55Photos? - 5 likes4 Bulkr alternatives
The complete solution to backup, download and browse photos on Flickr. Download sets, favorites, groups, explore photos & more to your PC or Mac.
Bulkr VS 55Photos
Is Bulkr a good alternative to 55Photos? - 2 likes6 Bloom uploader alternatives
Bloom is a desktop app that lets you upload your photos and videos easily and efficiently to Facebook, download albums and view your friends' photos.
Bloom uploader VS 55Photos
Is Bloom uploader a good alternative to 55Photos? - 9 likes6 Pick&Zip alternatives
Pick&Zip is a totally free online tool that will allow you downloading photos from Facebook in a single zip or pdf file.
WarningWhen visiting website, tries to install some unknown software disguised as a Google Chrome update
Pick&Zip VS 55Photos
Is Pick&Zip a good alternative to 55Photos? - 3 likes4 MyFlickrBackup alternatives
Holy Cow! Download your whole Flickr photostream in ORIGINAL size to your PC!
- Easy to use - start backing up in seconds!
- Get all of your precious photos back from Flickr in one go.
- All photos retrieved in original size.
- Saves your photosets as folders.
- Stop-and-resume.
MyFlickrBackup VS 55Photos
Is MyFlickrBackup a good alternative to 55Photos? - 2 likes4 Photo Grabbr alternatives
Simple application that uses Flickrs API to download entire photo sets.
Photo Grabbr VS 55Photos
Is Photo Grabbr a good alternative to 55Photos? - 3 likes4 Fluschipranie alternatives
Fluschipranie is an addon for downloading your facebook albums.
- Go to your albums section or whenever you have an album link(or in the case of the tagged photos the "Photos" link). 2.You just make right-mouse click over your albums links, a menu should appear with fl.
License model
- Free • Proprietary
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Firefox
Fluschipranie Features
DiscontinuedThe extensions are no longer updated and the Firefox addon is not compatible with Firefox 57 or higher. Chrome and Opera versions can be still downloaded from the official website.
Fluschipranie VS 55Photos
Is Fluschipranie a good alternative to 55Photos?