Zettlr releases v3.0: its biggest update so far, with improved features and a new icon
Zettlr, a robust Markdown editor utilized by researchers and journalists, has recently launched its 3.0 version. The Zettlr team has reported a 14-month development and testing process, dubbing this release as the “biggest update in the history of Zettlr”.
The new version is accompanied by a comprehensive rework of the documentation to align with the updated feature set. The team has also launched a new landing page for the app, and designed a new icon for Windows and Linux. Other minor changes have been implemented to ensure all aspects of Zettlr are up-to-date.
Version 3.0 introduces a split view, the capacity to create multiple main windows, pinned tabs, a status bar, and an integration with LanguageTool for enhanced grammar and spell checking capabilities.
The release also bolsters the power of the importing/exporting system. For the first time, users can create custom profiles for exporting in any desired format, including Beamer slides and reveal.js presentations.
Finally, updates have been made to the tag manager and graph view, along with numerous modifications “behind the curtain”.