Tinder for Android now bypasses the Google Play Store for in-app purchases by default
Jul 22, 2019 at 1:56 PM

Tinder for Android now bypasses the Google Play Store for in-app purchases by default

In order to avoid the 30 percent revenue cut that Google takes from any app downloaded via its Google Play Store, Match Group, the company that owns and operates Tinder, has begun to shift the default payment processing method for its services to having users add their payment information directly within the dating app.

This move comes after Epic Games skipped the Google Play Store for its mega hit Fortnite last year, and for the same reason. Both companies deemed the added visibility and promotion that the Google Play Store offers their software and services isn't worth the 30 percent of revenue that Google takes.

This move against the Google Play Store is made possible due to the Android mobile operating system's overwhelmingly large user base coupled with the platform's intrinsically open nature. As Android doesn't restrict the installation of new apps to those downloaded from the Google Play Store, publishers and developers can choose to forgo it in lieu of asking potential users to download and install their software directly from them. This allows for them to keep 100 percent of the revenue, but ends up leaving the onus of promoting their service on them entirely. For apps like Fortnite Battle Royale and Tinder that have marketing clout and mindshare on such a massive level, this is viable. For many small to medium services and apps, this is not a good move.

As of this news story, Tinder is still available on the Google Play Store. In-app purchases can also still be completed using the Google Play Store as well. Tinder has not made any announcement regarding the discontinuation of these options or delisting Tinder from Google Play.

Jul 22, 2019 by Ian Dorfman

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