Open Source Loomio AlternativesTeam Collaboration Tools and other similar apps like Loomio
The best open source alternative to Loomio is Restyaboard. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Loomio and ten of them is open source so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting open source alternatives to Loomio are DemocraciaOS, Airesis, Ukuvota and LiquidFeedback.
filter to find the best alternatives
Loomio alternatives are mainly Todo List Managers but may also be Project Management Tools or Task Management Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Loomio.- Team Collaboration Tool
- Freemium • Open Source
- 103 likes275 Restyaboard alternatives
Trello like kanban board. Tasks, to-dos, chat, etc., Restyaboard is based on Restya platform with dual License (OSL 3.0 & Commercial License).
License model
- Freemium • Open Source
Application types
- Self-Hosted
- Docker
Restyaboard Features
DiscontinuedThe project looks abandoned and the official website is no longer available. Last version, 1.7.1, released in March 2022, can be still downloaded from GitHub
Restyaboard VS Loomio
Is Restyaboard a good alternative to Loomio? - 8 likes19 DemocraciaOS alternatives
We are Democracia en Red, a civil society organization based in Argentina composed by activists, developers and social scientists with the objective of opening public institutions and giving access to decision-making spaces.
DemocraciaOS VS Loomio
Is DemocraciaOS a good alternative to Loomio?Comments about DemocraciaOS as an Alternative to Loomio
similar tool for discussion and voting
3 - 3 likes9 Airesis alternatives
Airesis is a free software platform, built by a team of Italian developers and contributors, to enable communities and groups to organize themselves in a productive manner according to the principles of direct democracy and participation.
License model
- Free • Open Source
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Online
- Self-Hosted
- Ruby
- Redis
- JavaScript
- PostgreSQL
- Apache Solr
Airesis Features
DiscontinuedLast release was on September 21, 2019.
Airesis VS Loomio
Is Airesis a good alternative to Loomio? - 3 likes1 Ukuvota alternatives
The decision-making tool is a collaborative platform designed to help users arrive at a collective solution to a question or problem. The app features a two-phase process, consisting of a collection phase and a voting phase.
Ukuvota VS Loomio
Is Ukuvota a good alternative to Loomio?Comments about Ukuvota as an Alternative to Loomio
c-cooperWorks great. Is fair and is easy to understand
0 - 6 likes99 LiquidFeedback alternatives
LiquidFeedback is a powerful proposition development and decision-making software, empowering people to make important decisions with ease.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
- Online
- Self-Hosted
LiquidFeedback Features
LiquidFeedback VS Loomio
Is LiquidFeedback a good alternative to Loomio? - 6 likes5 ZeroPolls alternatives
Polls application in JavaScript and SQLite on the distributed network ZeroNet.
ZeroPolls VS Loomio
Is ZeroPolls a good alternative to Loomio? - 6 likes10 CivilHub alternatives
CivilHub is a free and open-source platform written in Python & Django for the purpose of collaboration in local civic communities.
DiscontinuedWebsite is down
CivilHub VS Loomio
Is CivilHub a good alternative to Loomio? - 4 likes17 VoteIT alternatives
VoteIT is the web tool to host democratic and participatory meetings online. VoteIT keeps agenda, discussion, proposals and polls gathered in a sleek and simple interface. VoteIT is a free and open source project and is free to download from GitHub.
VoteIT VS Loomio
Is VoteIT a good alternative to Loomio? - Like this app4 Citizens Foundation alternatives
Your Priorities is a cloud-based online idea generation, deliberation & decision-making platform connecting governments and citizens, evolving since 2008 in thousands of projects, connecting millions of citizens to governments.
Citizens Foundation VS Loomio
Is Citizens Foundation a good alternative to Loomio? - Like this app10 openDCN alternatives
An opensource web environment that can support online participation and deliberation, answering to growing demand for participatory and decision-making processes. An adaptable system to the most disparate needs of groups, associations, public bodies.
openDCN VS Loomio
Is openDCN a good alternative to Loomio?
Comments about Restyaboard as an Alternative to Loomio
Loomio is about decision making