uDig AlternativesOnly apps categorised as GIS Software
The best GIS alternative to uDig is QGIS, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to uDig and many of them are GIS Software so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting GIS Software alternatives to uDig are OpenFreeMap, ArcGIS, Maptitude and Global Mapper.
filter to find the best alternatives
uDig alternatives are mainly GIS Software but may also be Map Services or GPS Navigation Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of uDig.- GIS Software
- Free • Open Source
- 109 likes55 QGIS alternatives
A fully featured, user friendly, open source Geographic Information System (GIS) with similar power to ArcGIS and MapInfo.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
QGIS Features
Is QGIS a good alternative to uDig? - 9 likes53 OpenFreeMap alternatives
This software provides free, customizable map hosting from OpenStreetMap for apps and websites, with a completely open-source platform, no usage limits, registration, or user databases required. Supports self-hosting and public instance use with frequent planet data downloads.
OpenFreeMap VS uDig
Is OpenFreeMap a good alternative to uDig? - 18 likes52 ArcGIS alternatives
ArcGIS offers unique capabilities and flexible licensing for applying location-based analytics to your business practices.
License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad
ArcGIS Features
ArcGIS VS uDig
Is ArcGIS a good alternative to uDig? - 23 likes34 Maptitude alternatives
Business mapping software (geographic information system) that delivers affordable, easy-to-use, professional mapping tools for mapping in these sectors: franchising, health care, business, territories, site selection, sales, marketing, banking, more.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Windows
- Online
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
Top Maptitude Features
Maptitude VS uDig
Is Maptitude a good alternative to uDig? - 3 likes19 Global Mapper alternatives
Global Mapper is a cutting-edge GIS software that provides both novice and experienced geospatial professionals with a comprehensive array of spatial data processing tools, with access to an unparalleled variety of data formats.
Global Mapper VS uDig
Is Global Mapper a good alternative to uDig? - 26 likes37 GRASS GIS alternatives
GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is an open source, free software (FOSS) Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological, vector, image processing, and visualization functionality.
Is GRASS GIS a good alternative to uDig? - 5 likes31 SAGA GIS alternatives
SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses - is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software with immense capabilities for geodata processing and analysis. SAGA is programmed in the object oriented C++ language and supports the implementation of new functions with a...
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
SAGA GIS Features
Is SAGA GIS a good alternative to uDig? - 6 likes21 MapWindow GIS alternatives
MapWindow is a fully free and open source geographic information system project. It includes an open source programming component, MapWinGIS ActiveX, and an extensible desktop application that supports plug-ins written in .NET (C# and VB.NET).
MapWindow GIS VS uDig
Is MapWindow GIS a good alternative to uDig? - 5 likes26 gvSIG Desktop alternatives
gvSIG is a Geographic Information System (GIS), that is, a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems.
gvSIG Desktop VS uDig
Is gvSIG Desktop a good alternative to uDig? - 4 likes38 Mapserver alternatives
MapServer is an Open Source platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web. Originally developed in the mid-1990’s at the University of Minnesota, MapServer is released under an MIT-style license, and runs on all major platforms (Windows...
Mapserver VS uDig
Is Mapserver a good alternative to uDig? - 4 likes27 MapInfo Professional alternatives
MapInfo Professional is a powerful, functionally rich desktop mapping application from Pitney Bowes MapInfo, designed to enable organisations to solve business problems that have a geographical element.
MapInfo Professional VS uDig
Is MapInfo Professional a good alternative to uDig? - 1 like23 Geoclip alternatives
The Géoclip interactive mapping solution is proposed by EMC3. Géoclip permits to publish online thematic atlas or territorial observatories. Géoclip allows you to build web mapping applications for cartographic representations of statistical data.
Geoclip VS uDig
Is Geoclip a good alternative to uDig?