TurboCollage AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Digital Painting Tools
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to TurboCollage, but unfortunately only zero of them are Digital Painting Tools.
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TurboCollage alternatives are mainly Image Editors but may also be Photo Editors or Digital Painting Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of TurboCollage.- Paid • Proprietary
- 140 Wizardbrush alternatives
Wizardbrush is a natural media painting software which has a lot of brushes and paper with realism style. You can create realistic picture with it. You can not only use it to paint pictures, but also handle your digital photos, even use it to teach digital painting and image...
DiscontinuedLast version,, was released on November 2011.
Wizardbrush VS TurboCollage
Is Wizardbrush a good alternative to TurboCollage? - 149 Photopainter alternatives
Photopainter is both a natural-media painting software and an image processing system at the same time.
DiscontinuedThe program is no longer updated. Last version,, released in December 2007, can be still downloaded from the official website.
Photopainter VS TurboCollage
Is Photopainter a good alternative to TurboCollage?