Tune Instructor AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Mp3 Tag Editors
The best Mp3 Tag Editor alternative to Tune Instructor is taghycardia, which is free. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Tune Instructor, but unfortunately only one of them is a Mp3 Tag Editor.
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Tune Instructor alternatives are mainly Audio Players but may also be Mp3 Tag Editors or Metadata Editors. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Tune Instructor.- Free • Proprietary
- 33 likes50 taghycardia alternatives
Automatically fix tag problems in your MP3 library to make sure the albums don't duplicate, fragment or get lost on an iPhone/iPod touch or other tag-sorting portable players. Download and embed cover art for your MP3 folders in an automatic mode or quiclky remove embedded...
taghycardia VS Tune Instructor
Is taghycardia a good alternative to Tune Instructor?