The Photographer's Ephemeris AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Weather Forecast Tools

The best Weather Forecast alternative to The Photographer's Ephemeris is Skylight Forecast, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to The Photographer's Ephemeris and three of them are Weather Forecast Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Weather Forecast Tool alternatives to The Photographer's Ephemeris are Sol: Sun Clock and Sun Intervals.

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The Photographer's Ephemeris alternatives are mainly Calendar Apps but may also be Weather Forecast Tools. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of The Photographer's Ephemeris.
  • ...

The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE) helps you plan outdoor photography in natural light, especially landscape and urban scenes. It's a map-centric sun and moon calculator: see how light will fall on the land, day or...

More about The Photographer's Ephemeris
The Photographer's Ephemeris alternatives page was last updated Oct 12, 2023
  1. Skylight Forecast icon

    Skylight Forecast is an app by the creators of Halide Camera and Spectre. It predicts evening light quality based on atmospheric conditions, aiding in planning outdoor activities like photography.

    9 Skylight Forecast alternatives
    Skylight Forecast screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary

    Application type


    • iPhone

    Skylight Forecast Features

    1.  Forecasting Report
    2.  Lock screen controls
    3.  iOS widget
    Skylight Forecast iconThe Photographer's Ephemeris Icon

    Skylight Forecast VS The Photographer's Ephemeris

    Is Skylight Forecast a good alternative to The Photographer's Ephemeris?
    • Skylight Forecast is the most popular iPhone alternative to The Photographer's Ephemeris.

    • Skylight Forecast is the most popular free alternative to The Photographer's Ephemeris.

    • Skylight Forecast is Freemium and ProprietaryThe Photographer's Ephemeris is Paid and Proprietary
  2. Sol: Sun Clock icon

    Get reminded when it's sunrise or sunset, wherever you travel! Great for photographers-- find the golden hour times on any date, anywhere

    18 Sol: Sun Clock alternatives
    Sol: Sun Clock screenshot 1

    License model

    Application type


    • iPhone
    • iPad

    Sol: Sun Clock Features

    1.  Timer
    2.  Location-based
    Sol: Sun Clock iconThe Photographer's Ephemeris Icon

    Sol: Sun Clock VS The Photographer's Ephemeris

    Is Sol: Sun Clock a good alternative to The Photographer's Ephemeris?
  3. Sun Intervals icon
     1 like

    Using a functional diagram and easy to read interface, Sun Intervals displays exactly how much daylight is left in the day in a large, while also allowing you to enable notification alerts for sunrise, sunset, first and last light times.

    17 Sun Intervals alternatives
    Sun Intervals screenshot 1
    Sun Intervals screenshot 2
    Sun Intervals screenshot 3

    License model

    Application type


    • iPhone
    • iPad
    Sun Intervals iconThe Photographer's Ephemeris Icon

    Sun Intervals VS The Photographer's Ephemeris

    Is Sun Intervals a good alternative to The Photographer's Ephemeris?
3 of 3 The Photographer's Ephemeris alternatives