Sysprof AlternativesOnly apps categorised as System Information Utilities

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Sysprof, but unfortunately only zero of them are System Information Utilities.

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Sysprof alternatives are mainly Process Management Tools but may also be Process Monitoring Tools or System Information Utilities.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Sysprof.
Sysprof iconSysprof
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Sysprof alternatives page was last updated Jul 9, 2024
  1. Mission Center icon

    Monitor your CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and GPU usage.

    106 Mission Center alternatives
    Mission Center screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • Flathub


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused


    1.  Dark Mode
    2.  CPU Monitoring
    3.  Memory Monitoring
    4.  Hardware Monitoring
    5.  Disk Monitoring
    6.  Works Offline
    7.  Ad-free
    8.  No registration required
    9.  No Tracking
    10.  GPU Monitoring
    11.  OPENGL
    Mission Center iconSysprof Icon

    Mission Center VS Sysprof

    Is Mission Center a good alternative to Sysprof?
  2. Resources icon

    Resources is a simple yet powerful monitor for your system resources and processes, written in Rust and using GTK 4 and libadwaita for its GUI.

    109 Resources alternatives
    Resources screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • Flathub


    1.  Privacy focused
    2.  Lightweight


    1.  Hardware Monitoring
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Memory Monitoring
    4.  Storage Monitoring
    5.  Works Offline
    6.  Dark Mode
    7.  No registration required
    8.  No Tracking
    9.  CPU Monitoring
    10.  GPU Monitoring
    Resources iconSysprof Icon

    Resources VS Sysprof

    Is Resources a good alternative to Sysprof?
  3. Windows Task Manager icon

    Windows Task Manager is a task manager application included with Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems that provides detailed information about computer performance and running applications, processes and CPU usage, commit charge and memory information, network...

    72 Windows Task Manager alternatives
    Windows Task Manager screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Windows


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Bundled with Windows
    Windows Task Manager iconSysprof Icon

    Windows Task Manager VS Sysprof

    Is Windows Task Manager a good alternative to Sysprof?
  4. SystemExplorer icon

    System Explorer is an enhanced Taskmanager that provides detailed information about running processes, startup programs, IE add-ons (BHOs), drivers, services network connections, system resources and more.

    57 SystemExplorer alternatives
    SystemExplorer screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Windows

    SystemExplorer Features

    1.  Portable
    2.  Show hidden processes
    3.  Hardware Monitoring
    4.  Software Management
    5.  Autostart

    While mostly functional it and its website hasn't been updated since 2017 and forums and support are gone.

    SystemExplorer iconSysprof Icon

    SystemExplorer VS Sysprof

    Is SystemExplorer a good alternative to Sysprof?
  5. vtop icon

    vtop is a graphical command-line tool that uses unicode braille to chart CPU and memory usage. It can be easily extended.

    47 vtop alternatives
    vtop screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Linux
    • BSD

    vtop Features

    1.  Command line interface
    2.  Terminal-based
    3.  Hardware Monitoring
    4.  Vim Key Mapping
    vtop iconSysprof Icon

    vtop VS Sysprof

    Is vtop a good alternative to Sysprof?
  6. MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe icon

    Task Manager DeLuxe (TMX) is based on MiTeC System Information Component Suite and offers powerful features available in standard Windows Task Manager in lightweight portable package with many more enhancements.

    20 MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe alternatives
    MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe screenshot 1

    License model


    • Windows


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Dark Mode
    2.  Portable
    3.  No installation
    MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe iconSysprof Icon

    MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe VS Sysprof

    Is this a good alternative to Sysprof?
    • MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe is the most popular commercial alternative to Sysprof.

    • MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe is Paid and ProprietarySysprof is Free and Open Source
    • MiTeC Task Manager Deluxe is LightweightSysprof is not according to our users
  7. TaskExplorer icon

    Explore all the tasks (processes) running on your Mac with TaskExplorer. Quickly see a task's signature status, loaded dylibs, open files, network connection, and much more!.

    18 TaskExplorer alternatives
    TaskExplorer screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Mac
    TaskExplorer iconSysprof Icon

    TaskExplorer VS Sysprof

    Is TaskExplorer a good alternative to Sysprof?
7 of 7 Sysprof alternatives