Spectacle Wndow Manager AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Mouse Gestures Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Spectacle Wndow Manager, but unfortunately only zero of them are Mouse Gestures Tools.

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Spectacle Wndow Manager alternatives are mainly Window Managers but may also be Application Launchers or Mouse Gestures Tools.  Other popular filters includes Mac + Free. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Spectacle Wndow Manager.
  • ...

Using Spectacle you can view multiple documents side-by-side, move windows to other displays, or even focus your full attention to a single task.

More about Spectacle Wndow Manager
Spectacle Wndow Manager alternatives page was last updated Nov 13, 2024
  1. BetterTouchTool icon

    BetterTouchTool is a great, feature packed app that allows you to configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse (1 & 2), Macbook Trackpad and Magic Trackpad (1 & 2) and also Mouse Gestures for normal mice.

    74 BetterTouchTool alternatives
    BetterTouchTool screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac

    BetterTouchTool Features

    1.  Support for scripting
    2.  Touch Bar Manager
    3.  Snap windows
    4.  Graphical User Interface
    5.  MultiTouch
    BetterTouchTool iconSpectacle Wndow Manager Icon

    BetterTouchTool VS Spectacle Wndow Manager

    Is BetterTouchTool a good alternative to Spectacle Wndow Manager?
    • BetterTouchTool is the most popular commercial alternative to Spectacle Wndow Manager.

    • BetterTouchTool is Paid and ProprietarySpectacle Wndow Manager is Free and Open Source
1 of 1 Spectacle Wndow Manager alternatives