Soverin AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Email Clients & WebMail Providers - Page 2

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Soverin, but unfortunately only zero of them are Email Clients.

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Soverin alternatives are mainly WebMail Providers but may also be Email Clients or Calendar Apps.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Soverin.
Soverin iconSoverin
  • ...

Soverin is an independent private company based in Amsterdam, run by a team of internet enthusiasts who want to create great products that are safe, beautiful and easy to use. We’re passionate about changing the status quo...

More about Soverin
Soverin alternatives page was last updated Oct 24, 2022
  1. HEY Email icon

    Hey is a new hosted email service launched by the makers of Basecamp , which aims to organize your email inbox. Since they don’t sell ads, or invade your privacy, they charge $99/year for HEY

    95 HEY Email alternatives
    HEY Email screenshot 1
    HEY Email screenshot 2
    HEY Email screenshot 3

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Online
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad
    • Snapcraft


    1.  Privacy focused


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  Works Offline
    3.  Dark Mode
    4.  Two-factor Authentication
    5.  Support for Aliases
    6.  Email Organizer
    7.  Integrated Spam Protection
    8.  Threaded Conversations
    9.  Send later
    HEY Email iconSoverin Icon

    HEY Email VS Soverin

    Is HEY Email a good alternative to Soverin?
  2. icon
     5 likes is another product of Swisscows AG. This product offers you secure email traffic. With you can send your emails encrypted so that absolutely no one can read them. The service is comparable to a letter that is protected from prying eyes in an...

    57 alternatives screenshot 1

    License model


    • Online


    1.  Privacy focused


    1.  Encrypted Email iconSoverin Icon VS Soverin

    Is a good alternative to Soverin?
  3. Kerjamail icon
     Like this app

    The world's first email hosting that makes communication inside your team easier with fewer meetings. Host your professional email on a secure, privacy-guaranteed, and ad-free email hosting service built-in with features like email marketing services can do.

    86 Kerjamail alternatives
    Kerjamail screenshot 1

    License model


    • Online
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)
    Kerjamail iconSoverin Icon

    Kerjamail VS Soverin

    Is Kerjamail a good alternative to Soverin?
You are at page 2 of Soverin alternatives