Sound Forge Alternatives for Linux
Sound Forge is not available for Linux but there are some alternatives that runs on Linux with similar functionality. The best Linux alternative is Audacity, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Sound Forge and ten of them are available for Linux so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Linux alternatives to Sound Forge are Tenacity, Ocenaudio, Spek and KWave.
filter to find the best alternatives
Sound Forge alternatives are mainly Audio Editors but may also be Audio Recorders or Music Production Apps. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Sound Forge.- Audio Editor
- Paid • Proprietary
- 2284 likes129 Audacity alternatives
Audacity is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Audacity is free, open source software.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
- AppImageHub
- Flathub
Audacity VS Sound Forge
Is Audacity a good alternative to Sound Forge? - 81 likes87 Tenacity alternatives
Tenacity is an easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, FLOSS, cross-platform multi-track audio editor/recorder for Windows, macOS, Linux and other operating systems.
Tenacity VS Sound Forge
Is Tenacity a good alternative to Sound Forge?Comments about Tenacity as an Alternative to Sound Forge
thilripostaBest easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, FLOSS, cross-platform multi-track audio editor/recorder.
0 - 136 likes45 Ocenaudio alternatives
Ocenaudio is a cross-platform, easy to use, fast and functional audio editor. It is the ideal software for people who need to edit and analyze audio files without complications. ocenaudio also has powerful features that will please more advanced users.
Ocenaudio VS Sound Forge
Is Ocenaudio a good alternative to Sound Forge?Comments about Ocenaudio as an Alternative to Sound Forge
its free and has great features but lacks more advanced ones.
1naryandriaIt has the most usual functionalities of sound forge (cut/select/normalize/) and supports VST effects. Last but not least, its interface is amazingly neat and efficient!
0 - 63 likes49 Spek alternatives
Spek helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. Spek is free software available for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X.
DiscontinuedThe latest version (0.8.5) is from January 2023.
Spek VS Sound Forge
Is Spek a good alternative to Sound Forge? - 8 likes26 KWave alternatives
Kwave is a sound editor designed for the KDE Desktop Environment.
With Kwave you can record, play back, import and edit many sorts of audio files including multi-channel files. Kwave includes some plugins to transform audio files in several ways and presents a graphical view wit.
KWave VS Sound Forge
Is KWave a good alternative to Sound Forge? - 5 likes109 Sneedacity alternatives
Sneedacity (named after Sneed's Feed and Seed from The Simpsons episode, "E-I-E-I-D'oh") is a free (libre), open source, and privacy-respecting audio recording and editing suite forked from Audacity.
DiscontinuedThe latest version (2022.03) is from March 2022.
Sneedacity VS Sound Forge
Is Sneedacity a good alternative to Sound Forge? - 2 likes6 ClickRepair alternatives
ClickRepair is a mature, well-tested, application for declicking and decrackling audio in uncompressed audio files. It has been developed over a period of many years. Cross platform. Requires Java run-time environment to run. Free fully functioning trial for 21 days.
DiscontinuedWebsite no longer exists and there has been talk here
ClickRepair VS Sound Forge
Is ClickRepair a good alternative to Sound Forge? - 1 like36 Ecasound alternatives
Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling.
Ecasound VS Sound Forge
Is Ecasound a good alternative to Sound Forge? - Like this app10 Equalizer alternatives
Equalizer is an application to assist when capturing and restoring audio from gramophone records whose equalization and/or speed does not match your equipment.
Equalizer VS Sound Forge
Is Equalizer a good alternative to Sound Forge? - Like this app22 AudMonkey alternatives
"The free and open source audio editor" is an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. It is a fork of Audacity that respects your privacy and the GNU License.
DiscontinuedIt is unmaintained.
AudMonkey VS Sound Forge
Is AudMonkey a good alternative to Sound Forge?
Comments about Audacity as an Alternative to Sound Forge
Very powerful, like Sound Forge, but its interface is quite messy and not user-friendly
Excellent open source audio editor with 20+ years development history. The interface may look a bit primitive, but it is both easy to use and very powerful. The "warning" about spyware is nonsense.
Free-Portable-Easy to use.