Solve Elec AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Electronic Design Automation Tools - Page 2

The best Electronic Design Automation alternative to Solve Elec is Circuit JS, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Solve Elec and 15 are Electronic Design Automation Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Electronic Design Automation Tool alternatives to Solve Elec are QUCS, EasyEDA, LTspice and Proteus PCB design.

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Solve Elec alternatives are mainly Circuit Simulators but may also be Electronic Design Automation Tools or CAD Software.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Solve Elec.
  • ...

Solve Elec is a free educational program to draw and analyze electrical circuits.

More about Solve Elec
Solve Elec alternatives page was last updated Apr 26, 2019
  1. Ngspice icon

    Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. Ngspice is part of gEDA project, a full GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools.

    39 Ngspice alternatives
    ngspice on KDE (Linux) with gschem in background

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    Ngspice iconSolve Elec Icon

    Ngspice VS Solve Elec

    Is Ngspice a good alternative to Solve Elec?
  2. Upverter icon

    We build the pickaxes of hardware engineering. Ideation tools, schematic capture, PCB layout, design hosting, parts library management, and affordable prototyping.

    43 Upverter alternatives

    License model


    • Online
    Upverter iconSolve Elec Icon

    Upverter VS Solve Elec

    Is Upverter a good alternative to Solve Elec?
  3. Oregano icon

    oregano - An electrical engineering tool for GNOME

    oregano is an application for schematic capture and simulation of electronic circuits. The actual simulation is performed by Berkeley Spice, or GNUcap or the new generation ngspice which is required for simulation, but not neces.

    36 Oregano alternatives
    Oregano screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux

    The last version is from December 2015.

    Oregano iconSolve Elec Icon

    Oregano VS Solve Elec

    Is Oregano a good alternative to Solve Elec?
You are at page 2 of Solve Elec alternatives