Smoothmouse AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Mouse Gestures Tools for Mac

There are many alternatives to Smoothmouse for Mac and since it's discontinued a lot of people are looking for a replacement. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Smoothmouse, but unfortunately only zero of them are Mouse Gestures Tools available for Mac. If you can't find an alternative you can try to remove all filters.

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Smoothmouse alternatives are mainly Key Mapping Tools but may also be Mouse Remapping Apps or Mouse Gestures Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Smoothmouse.
  • FreeOpen Source
  • ...

Smoothmouse is experimental project to improve mouse & trackpad usability in OS X.

More about Smoothmouse
Smoothmouse alternatives page was last updated Sep 30, 2019
  1. Mac Mouse Fix icon

    Switch between Spaces, use Windows-style Back and Forward, and more - right from your mouse. Also features a refined Smooth-Scrolling algorithm that strikes a perfect balance between fluidity and control.

    14 Mac Mouse Fix alternatives
    Settings dialog as per 2022. Great options for customization.

    License model


    • Mac


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Generic Mouse Support
    2.  Mouse Button Mapping
    Mac Mouse Fix iconSmoothmouse Icon

    Mac Mouse Fix VS Smoothmouse

    Is Mac Mouse Fix a good alternative to Smoothmouse?
1 of 1 Smoothmouse alternatives