Sketch Club AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Image Editors

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Sketch Club, but unfortunately only zero of them are Image Editors.

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Sketch Club alternatives are mainly Digital Painting Tools but may also be Image Editors or Vector Graphic Apps.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Sketch Club.
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Ranging from professional illustrators and concept artists to students and hobbyists, creative people from all over the world join together in Sketch Club to create, share, and inspire!

More about Sketch Club
Sketch Club alternatives page was last updated Jan 27, 2021
  1. Procreate icon

    Procreate is a versatile, award-winning app for creative digital drawing and painting on iOS. It delivers a robust, professional toolset with hundreds of configurable brushes, a powerful layering system, vector graphic tools, and comprehensive design capabilities, ensuring desktop-level flexibility and power.

    57 Procreate alternatives
    Procreate screenshot 1

    License model


    • iPhone
    • iPad


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  No registration required


    1.  Apple Pencil support
    2.  Texture for brushes
    3.  Custom Brushes
    4.  Drawing 2D
    5.  Digital Painting
    6.  Love
    7.  Digital-painting focused
    8.  Digital Drawing
    9.  Dark Mode
    10.  Free hand drawing
    11.  Sketching
    12.  Texture painting
    13.  Support for Layers
    14.  Color Picker
    15.  Support for 4K
    16.  Drawing Tablet Support
    17.  Support for styluses
    18.  Open PSD files
    19.  Tablet support
    Procreate iconSketch Club Icon

    Procreate VS Sketch Club

    Is Procreate a good alternative to Sketch Club?
    Comments about Procreate as an Alternative to Sketch Club

    I like the drawing interface and the fact that they also build up a good community of artists. They also offer tons of tutorials, both for using the app and for making art

    Positive commentJan 4, 2018
    Sketch Club Icon
    Procreate icon
    • Procreate is the most popular iPhone & iPad alternative to Sketch Club.

    • Procreate is the most popular commercial alternative to Sketch Club.

    • Procreate is Paid and ProprietarySketch Club is also Paid and Proprietary
  2. MediBang Paint icon

    MediBang Paint is a lightweight software for illustration and making comic books on Windows and Mac OS.

    76 MediBang Paint alternatives
    Great for anime or comics

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Multi-choice brushes
    2.  Pressure Sensitivity
    3.  Digital-painting focused
    4.  Color blending
    5.  Pen Stabilization
    6.  Keyframe Animation
    7.  Dark Mode
    8.  Support for Layers
    9.  Drawing Tablet Support
    10.  Custom Brushes
    11.  Category Filters
    12.  Texture for brushes
    13.  Blending brushes
    14.  Comic templates
    15.  Image Smoothing
    16.  Image Masking
    17.  Social posting
    MediBang Paint iconSketch Club Icon

    MediBang Paint VS Sketch Club

    Is MediBang Paint a good alternative to Sketch Club?
    • MediBang Paint is the most popular Windows, Android, Mac & Android Tablet alternative to Sketch Club.

    • MediBang Paint is the most popular free alternative to Sketch Club.

    • MediBang Paint is Freemium and ProprietarySketch Club is Paid and Proprietary
    • MediBang Paint is LightweightSketch Club is not according to our users
  3. Artrage icon

    A simple but lovely natural media painting and sketching program. Art oriented, but capable of loading/saving photoshop files.

    65 Artrage alternatives
    Artrage screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad


    1.  Works Offline


    1.  Support for Layers
    2.  Support for 4K
    3.  Drawing Tablet Support
    4.  Apple Pencil support
    5.  Texture painting
    6.  Multi-choice brushes
    7.  MultiTouch
    8.  Color blending
    9.  Upload directly to Dropbox
    10.  Sketching
    11.  Colour control
    12.  Support for styluses
    Artrage iconSketch Club Icon

    Artrage VS Sketch Club

    Is Artrage a good alternative to Sketch Club?
    Comments about Artrage as an Alternative to Sketch Club

    I like the wet brushes and dirty brushes. There is nothing quite the same in Sketch Club. The bristles even seem to stand out more than with the SketchCub bristle brush. SketchClub is still my go to app. The club is great. The resolution options are broader. Custom brushes are unique

    Positive commentOct 17, 2017
    Sketch Club Icon
    Artrage icon
    • Artrage is Paid and ProprietarySketch Club is also Paid and Proprietary
3 of 3 Sketch Club alternatives