SilverDict AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Text to Speech Services

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to SilverDict, but unfortunately only zero of them are Text to Speech Services.

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SilverDict alternatives are mainly Dictionaries but may also be Translators or Text to Speech Services.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of SilverDict.
  • ...

This project is intended to be a modern, from-the-ground-up, maintainable alternative to GoldenDict(-ng), developed with Flask and React.

More about SilverDict
SilverDict alternatives page was last updated Oct 30, 2023
  1. icon
     43 likes is not only an online dictionary translating from English and German to 21 languages. Its an attempt to create a platform where users from all over the world can share their knowledge in the field of translations.

    98 alternatives
    Translation from German to 21 languages

    License model

    • FreeProprietary

    Application types


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Online
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad Features

    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Text to Speech
    3.  Crowdsourced
    4.  Website Translation
    5.  User generated iconSilverDict Icon VS SilverDict

    Is a good alternative to SilverDict?
  2. GoldenDict-ng icon

    The Next Generation GoldenDict.

    54 GoldenDict-ng alternatives
    GoldenDict-ng screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application types


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux


    1.  Support for Themes
    2.  Lightweight


    1.  Dark Mode
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Full-Text Search
    4.  No registration required
    5.  Works Offline
    6.  Text to Speech
    7.  Portable
    8.  Online translation
    GoldenDict-ng iconSilverDict Icon

    GoldenDict-ng VS SilverDict

    Is GoldenDict-ng a good alternative to SilverDict?
2 of 2 SilverDict alternatives