Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Private Diaries

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker, but unfortunately only zero of them are Private Diaries.

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Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker alternatives are mainly Journaling Apps but may also be Private Diaries or Habit Trackers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker.
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Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker is a self-care app that provides actionable tools and community support for managing depression, anxiety, and mood fluctuations, with a focus on building positive habits over time.

More about Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker
Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker alternatives page was last updated Feb 29, 2024
  1. Evo icon

    The last productivity app you'll ever need, combining events, reminders, mood tracker, notes & diary, habits, a focus timer, and more.

    75 Evo alternatives
    Evo screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    • iPhone
    • iPad

    Top Evo Features

    1.  Pomodoro Timer
    2.  Hierarchical Structure
    3.  Dark Mode
    4.  Mood Tracking
    5.  WYSIWYG Support
    6.  Support for MarkDown
    7.  Ad-free
    8.  No Tracking
    9.  Reminders
    10.  iOS widget
    11.  Widgets
    Evo iconShmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker Icon

    Evo VS Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker

    Is Evo a good alternative to Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker?
    • Evo is the most popular Mac alternative to Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker.

    • Evo is the most popular commercial alternative to Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker.

    • Evo is Paid and ProprietaryShmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker is Freemium and Proprietary
1 of 1 Shmoody: Mood & Habit Tracker alternatives