Shashlik AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Operating Systems & Mobile Os
If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Shashlik, but unfortunately only zero of them are Operating Systems.
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Shashlik alternatives are mainly Android Emulators but may also be Mobile OSs or Operating Systems. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Shashlik.- Android Emulator
- Free • Open Source
- 921 likes45 Android alternatives
Open-source mobile OS developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel. It supports app development in Java and Kotlin. Compatible with various devices, offering seamless integration with Google services, customizable interface, and extensive app ecosystem for smartphones and tablets.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Android
- Android Tablet
- Android Auto
- Android SDK
- Android Wear
- Android TV
Android VS Shashlik
Is Android a good alternative to Shashlik? - 54 likes66 iodéOS alternatives
iodéOS is an operating system powered by LineageOS and based on the Android mobile platform. iodéOS aims at protecting the user's privacy with a built-in adblocker and by removing Google trackers.
iodéOS VS Shashlik
Is iodéOS a good alternative to Shashlik? - 8 likes57 HarmonyOS alternatives
HarmonyOS is a distributed, edge computing, AI operating system with powerful functionality, and it will first be used for smart devices like smart watches, smart screens, in-vehicle systems, and smart speakers.
HarmonyOS VS Shashlik
Is HarmonyOS a good alternative to Shashlik?