Shashlik AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Operating Systems

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Shashlik, but unfortunately only zero of them are Operating Systems.

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Shashlik alternatives are mainly Android Emulators but may also be Mobile OSs or Operating Systems.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Shashlik.
  • ...

The goal of Shashlik is to provide a way to run Android applications on a standard Linux desktop as easily and simply as possible.

More about Shashlik
Shashlik alternatives page was last updated May 11, 2022
  1. WayDroid icon

    Waydroid uses Linux namespaces (user, pid, uts, net, mount, ipc) to run a full Android system in a container and provide Android applications on any GNU/Linux-based platform.

    25 WayDroid alternatives
    WayDroid screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • Linux Mobile
    • Arch Linux
    • Fedora
    • Ubuntu
    • Debian


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Privacy focused


    1.  Compatibility Layer
    2.  App integration
    3.  Ad-free
    4.  Multi-windows
    5.  No registration required
    6.  Works Offline
    7.  Container Virtualization
    8.  Fullscreen support
    9.  Low memory usage
    WayDroid iconShashlik Icon

    WayDroid VS Shashlik

    Is WayDroid a good alternative to Shashlik?
    • WayDroid is the most popular Linux alternative to Shashlik.

    • WayDroid is Free and Open SourceShashlik is also Free and Open Source
    • WayDroid is Lightweight and Privacy focusedShashlik is not according to our users
1 of 1 Shashlik alternatives