Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Todo List Managers

The best Todo List Manager alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant is Bloks. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked nine alternatives to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant, but unfortunately only one of them is a Todo List Manager.

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Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant alternatives are mainly Audio Transcription Tools but may also be Note-taking Tools or Todo List Managers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant.
  • ...

Introducing Shadow: your botless AI meeting assistant that automatically completes tasks. From note-taking to action item completions, it's your co-pilot from start to finish. Elevate every meeting into actionable...

More about Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant alternatives page was last updated Nov 6, 2024
  1. Bloks icon

    Put your notes, tasks, and meetings on autopilot.

    62 Bloks alternatives
    A company page showing associated notes, attachments, emails, contacts, to-dos, and meetings.
    An event page displaying associated notes, attachments, emails, and contacts.
    The main screen in Bloks on mobile displaying events, recent notes with tags, and options to create a to-do list, capture an image, paste content from the clipboard, use speech-to-text, and write a new note.

    License model


    • Mac
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Google Chrome


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Full-Text Search
    2.  End-to-End Encryption
    3.  File Tagging
    4.  Unlimited storage
    5.  Dark Mode
    6.  Ad-free
    7. Google Calendar icon  Sync with Google Calendar
    8.  Calendar Integration
    9.  Spell Checking
    10.  Web Clipper
    11.  Reminders
    12.  Video Conferencing
    Bloks iconShadow - Botless Meeting Assistant Icon

    Bloks VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant

    Is Bloks a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant?
    • Bloks is the most popular Mac alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant.

    • Bloks is Paid and ProprietaryShadow - Botless Meeting Assistant is Free and Proprietary
    • Bloks is LightweightShadow - Botless Meeting Assistant is not according to our users
1 of 1 Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant alternatives