Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Audio Transcription Tools
The best Audio Transcription alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant is Amurex, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked nine alternatives to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant and six of them are Audio Transcription Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Audio Transcription Tool alternatives to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant are, Notta, Bloks and Sembly.
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Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant alternatives are mainly Audio Transcription Tools but may also be Note-taking Tools or Todo List Managers. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant.- 5 likes9 Amurex alternatives
Enhance productivity with your ultimate AI copilot, offering real-time suggestions, instant recaps, detailed transcripts, and automated follow-up emails for efficient meeting management.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Self-Hosted
- Google Chrome
Amurex Features
Amurex VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Is Amurex a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant? - 20 likes78 alternatives
An intelligent note-taking solution that records, transcribes, and shares English voice conversations. is versatile for meetings, lectures, journalist interviews, offering features like speaker ID, inline photos, playback with word highlighting, calendar integration, and easy group collaboration.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- Android Tablet
- iPad Features VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Is a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant? - 8 likes108 Notta alternatives
Converts audio into editable text via AI, supports recording, translation, and summarization. Perfect for meetings with real-time transcription and tool integrations.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Android
- iPhone
- iPad
- Google Chrome
- Android Tablet
- Online
Notta Features
Notta VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Is Notta a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant? License model
- Paid • Proprietary
Application types
- Mac
- Android
- iPhone
- Google Chrome
Bloks VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Is Bloks a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant?- 3 likes27 Sembly alternatives
Sembly records, transcribes, and analyzes your meetings to provide smart summaries and actionable insights. Sembly connects to your Google or Outlook calendar and joins your Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom calls along with you or on its own.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application types
- Online
- Android
- iPhone
- iPad
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
Sembly Features
Sembly VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Is Sembly a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant? - 4 likes117 Skarbe alternatives
Skarbe is a revolutionary AI-driven sales automation platform designed for small B2B sales teams. It automates routine tasks like follow-ups, meeting notes, CRM updates, and call recordings, empowering sales reps to focus on closing deals.
License model
- Freemium • Proprietary
Application type
- Online
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
Skarbe Features
Skarbe VS Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant
Is Skarbe a good alternative to Shadow - Botless Meeting Assistant?