Scribens AlternativesOnly apps categorised as AI Writing Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Scribens, but unfortunately only zero of them are AI Writing Tools.

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Scribens alternatives are mainly Grammar Checkers but may also be Plagiarism Checkers or AI Writing Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Scribens.
  • ...

A powerful, free spelling and grammar checker. Scribens corrects 250 types of grammar mistakes. English and French.

More about Scribens
Scribens alternatives page was last updated Jul 5, 2023
  1. LanguageTool icon

    LanguageTool is a free proofreading software compatible with multiple applications like LibreOffice, Microsoft Word, Firefox, and Google Chrome. It supports around 20 languages and can be customized. It has two versions: free and premium.

    70 LanguageTool alternatives
    LanguageTool screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Online
    • iPhone
    • iPad
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Outlook
    • Safari
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Microsoft Word
    • Eclipse
    • TinyMCE
    • TeXstudio
    • Google Docs
    • Thunderbird
    • Vim
    • OmegaT
    • Sublime Text
    • GNU Emacs
    • Opera
    • Gmail
    • Fidus Writer
    • LyX
    • LibreOffice
    • Apache OpenOffice
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • LibreOffice - Writer


    1.  Privacy focused
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Lightweight


    1.  Multiple languages
    2.  Automated proofreading
    3.  Proofreading
    4.  Grammar tool
    5.  Custom dictionaries
    6.  Spell Checking
    7.  Dark Mode
    8.  Microsoft Edge extension
    9.  Neural network
    10.  N-grams
    LanguageTool iconScribens Icon

    LanguageTool VS Scribens

    Is LanguageTool a good alternative to Scribens?
    • LanguageTool is the most popular Web-based, Windows, Mac & iPhone alternative to Scribens.

    • LanguageTool is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to Scribens.

    • LanguageTool is Freemium and Open SourceScribens is Freemium and Proprietary
    • LanguageTool is Privacy focused and LightweightScribens is not according to our users
  2. Grammarly icon

    Delivers real-time spelling, grammar, and style check, generative AI for instant drafts, comprehensive writing feedback, and enhanced sentence clarity and word choice for effective communication on multiple platforms, including desktops and web browsers.

    110 Grammarly alternatives
    Grammarly screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Online
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Outlook
    • Safari
    • Microsoft Word
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)
    • Mozilla Firefox


    1.  Ad-free
    2.  Lightweight
    3.  Works Offline
    4.  No registration required


    1.  Grammar tool
    2.  Grammatical Error Checking
    3.  Automated proofreading
    4.  Plugin for office programs
    5.  Spell Checking
    6.  Word integration
    7.  Browser integration
    8.  Dark Mode
    Grammarly iconScribens Icon

    Grammarly VS Scribens

    Is Grammarly a good alternative to Scribens?
    • Grammarly is the most popular SaaS alternative to Scribens.

    • Grammarly is Freemium and ProprietaryScribens is also Freemium and Proprietary
    • Grammarly is LightweightScribens is not according to our users
  3. icon

    Wordvice AI Proofreader is an all-in-one editor and writing tutor that makes context-based suggestions to improve your vocabulary and enhance your style.

    90 alternatives screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Online


    1.  No registration required
    2.  Ad-free


    1.  Distraction-free
    2.  Automated proofreading
    3.  Text editing
    4.  Proofreading iconScribens Icon VS Scribens

    Is a good alternative to Scribens?
  4. Trinka AI icon
     Like this app

    Trinka AI - the complete writing assistant. Trinka is an online grammar checker for academic and technical writing. From advanced English grammar errors to scientific spelling, Trinka corrects it all!.

    64 Trinka AI alternatives
    Trinka AI screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Online
    • iPhone
    • Self-Hosted
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Office Word
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)
    • Wordpress
    • Firefox


    1.  Works Offline
    2.  Ad-free
    3.  Lightweight


    1.  Spell Checking
    2.  Distraction-free
    3.  Cloud Sync
    4.  Personal dictionary
    5.  Writing assistance
    6.  Grammar tool
    7.  Grammatical Error Checking
    8.  Citation detection
    Trinka AI iconScribens Icon

    Trinka AI VS Scribens

    Is Trinka AI a good alternative to Scribens?
    • Trinka AI is the most popular Self-Hosted alternative to Scribens.

    • Trinka AI is Freemium and ProprietaryScribens is also Freemium and Proprietary
    • Trinka AI is LightweightScribens is not according to our users
4 of 4 Scribens alternatives