screenstyler AlternativesOnly apps categorised as System Information Utilities
The best System Information alternative to screenstyler is Rainmeter, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to screenstyler and ten of them are System Information Utilities so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting System Information Utility alternatives to screenstyler are Sidebar Diagnostics, Conky, hwinfo and BgInfo.
filter to find the best alternatives
screenstyler alternatives are mainly System Information Utilities but may also be Desktop Customization Tools or Wallpapers Hubs. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of screenstyler.- Free • Proprietary
- 466 likes33 Rainmeter alternatives
Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
Rainmeter VS screenstyler
Is Rainmeter a good alternative to screenstyler? - 78 likes45 Sidebar Diagnostics alternatives
SidebarDiagnostics - A simple sidebar for Windows desktop that displays hardware diagnostic information.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Windows
Sidebar Diagnostics Features
Sidebar Diagnostics VS screenstyler
Is Sidebar Diagnostics a good alternative to screenstyler? - 161 likes26 Conky alternatives
Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any kind of information on your desktop. Originally a fork of Torsmo, Conkys torsmo-based code is BSD licensed. New code in Conky has been licensed under the GPL 3.0.
Conky VS screenstyler
Is Conky a good alternative to screenstyler? - 11 likes116 hwinfo alternatives
hwinfo/libhd are used to probe for the hardware present in the system. It can be used to generate a system overview log which can be later used for support.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
hwinfo Features
hwinfo VS screenstyler
Is hwinfo a good alternative to screenstyler? - 21 likes18 BgInfo alternatives
How many times have you walked up to a system in your office and needed to click through several diagnostic windows to remind yourself of important aspects of its configuration, such as its name, IP address, or operating system version If you manage multiple computers you...
BgInfo VS screenstyler
Is BgInfo a good alternative to screenstyler? - 19 likes38 MenuMeters for El Capitan alternatives
This is a port to OS X El Capitan 10.11 of MenuMeters by Alex Harper.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
MenuMeters for El Capitan Features
MenuMeters for El Capitan VS screenstyler
Is this a good alternative to screenstyler? - 20 likes20 GKrellM alternatives
GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
GKrellM Features
GKrellM VS screenstyler
Is GKrellM a good alternative to screenstyler? - 6 likes13 iGlance alternatives
iGlance is a small system monitor that displays current stats about your Mac on the menu bar. It is built to be highly customizable so that everyone can adjust it to his/her needs. A full list of all the features is below.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
iGlance Features
DiscontinuedThis project is no longer under active development.
iGlance VS screenstyler
Is iGlance a good alternative to screenstyler? - 4 likes30 Nerdtool alternatives
Nerdtool allows you to display many things directly on top of your desktop; weather reports, headline news, and system vitals are just a few uses.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application types
- Mac
Nerdtool Features
DiscontinuedStill works, but hasn't been updated in about ten years.
Nerdtool VS screenstyler
Is Nerdtool a good alternative to screenstyler? - 2 likes9 WPInfo alternatives
WPInfo displays system information on the Windows wallpaper. It works similarly to BGInfo from SysInternals but it adds a few unique features:
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Windows
WPInfo Features
DiscontinuedThe project is no longer developed. Last version, 1.1.0 beta1, released in April 2015, can be still downloaded from GitHub.
WPInfo VS screenstyler
Is WPInfo a good alternative to screenstyler?