Rush - song lyrics AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Lyrics Displayers
The best Lyrics Displayer alternative to Rush - song lyrics is Lyric Fever, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to Rush - song lyrics and seven of them are Lyrics Displayers so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Lyrics Displayer alternatives to Rush - song lyrics are FastLyrics, Lyrics, AutoLyrix and lrcShow-X.
filter to find the best alternatives
Rush - song lyrics alternatives are mainly Lyrics Displayers but may also be Music Recognition Apps or Music Discovery Services. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Rush - song lyrics.- Free • Open Source
- 2 likes18 Lyric Fever alternatives
Ultimate Spotify & Apple Music Lyrics experience for macOS (spiritual successor to LyricsX)
Lyric Fever Features
Lyric Fever VS Rush - song lyrics
Is Lyric Fever a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics? - 2 likes18 FastLyrics alternatives
FastLyrics is an app that downloads lyrics for the song, you're listening to.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Android
- F-Droid
FastLyrics Features
FastLyrics VS Rush - song lyrics
Is FastLyrics a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics? - 1 like20 Lyrics alternatives
Lyrics is an application that displays lyrics for songs you are listening to, it query the song through MPRIS protocol, search, downloads the lyric file and display it scrolling syncronized.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Linux
- Flathub
- Debian
Lyrics Features
Lyrics VS Rush - song lyrics
Is Lyrics a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics? - 6 likes18 AutoLyrix alternatives
AutoLyrix was designed to download Lyrics, AlbumArt (artwork) and SyncLyric (LRC files) automatically. It is an open-source solution to EvilLyrics. Saved lyrics from EvilLyrics can be used by AutoLyrix.
License model
- Free • Open Source
Application type
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
AutoLyrix Features
DiscontinuedAutoLyrix is no longer developed. Last version, 0.6.2, and the source code can be still downloaded from SourceForge.
AutoLyrix VS Rush - song lyrics
Is AutoLyrix a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics? - 2 likes14 lrcShow-X alternatives
General application for a wide variety of media-player that shows and searches synchronized lyrics and LRC lyrics dynamically.
DiscontinuedThe last release was released on 2012-02-08
lrcShow-X VS Rush - song lyrics
Is lrcShow-X a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics? - 1 like19 Verse alternatives
A basic Kotlin application which scraps google to fetch lyrics using jsoup. Uses ACR Cloud to identify the song played.
Verse VS Rush - song lyrics
Is Verse a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics? - Discontinued
The app has been removed
Kashi VS Rush - song lyrics
Is Kashi a good alternative to Rush - song lyrics?