Rufus AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Disc Burners
The best Disc Burner alternative to Rufus is BurnAware, which is free. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Rufus, but unfortunately only two of them are Disc Burners.
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Rufus alternatives are mainly Bootable USB Creators but may also be Disk Imaging Tools or Disc Burners. Other popular filters includes Windows + Free and Windows + Free + Create bootable USB. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Rufus.- Bootable USB Creator
- Free • Open Source
- 82 likes50 BurnAware alternatives
Feature-rich disc burning software offering intuitive interface, bootable disk creation, ISO image production, versatile audio, video, and data disc support, alongside efficient resource usage and comprehensive file format burning, including DMG and IMG.
BundlewareIt suggests to install a DVD ripper and Opera during the installation process, and both boxes are checked by default.
BurnAware VS Rufus
Is BurnAware a good alternative to Rufus? - 9 likes15 ISO2Disc alternatives
ISO2Disc is the best and free ISO burner software to burn your ISO image file to CD/DVD disc or USB flash drive. No skills required!
DiscontinuedThe latest version is from 2019.
ISO2Disc VS Rufus
Is ISO2Disc a good alternative to Rufus?
Comments about BurnAware as an Alternative to Rufus
Rufus is specialized in make USB Flash Drives bootable. BurnAware only operates on optical discs and cannot help make them bootable.