rollApp AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Remote Desktop Tools

The best Remote Desktop alternative to rollApp is Thinfinity VirtualUI. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked 2 alternatives to rollApp, but unfortunately only one of them is a Remote Desktop Tool.

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rollApp alternatives are mainly Virtualization Tools but may also be Remote Desktop Tools or Software Updaters.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of rollApp.
rollApp iconrollApp
  • ...

rollApp is a Software-on-Demand service that instantly delivers virtually any existing desktop software to any Web-browser equipped computing or mobile device over broadband/3G.

More about rollApp
rollApp alternatives page was last updated Mar 17, 2020
  1. Thinfinity VirtualUI icon

    Thinfinity Virtual UI is a web-enabling SDK to turn your proprietary Windows applications into web apps without recoding.

    8 Thinfinity VirtualUI alternatives
    Turn your proprietary Windows applications into web apps without recoding.

    License model


    • Windows

    Thinfinity VirtualUI Features

    1.  Container Virtualization
    2.  Two-factor Authentication
    3.  Cross browser support
    4.  Application Virtualization
    5.  Application publishing
    6.  VNC Server
    7.  Support for HTML5
    Thinfinity VirtualUI iconrollApp Icon

    Thinfinity VirtualUI VS rollApp

    Is Thinfinity VirtualUI a good alternative to rollApp?
    Comments about Thinfinity VirtualUI as an Alternative to rollApp

    It's not online. We could just download the app. RollApp is intended more Chromebooks

    Negative commentFeb 15, 2018
    rollApp Icon
    Thinfinity VirtualUI icon
    • Thinfinity VirtualUI is Paid and ProprietaryrollApp is Freemium and Proprietary
1 of 1 rollApp alternatives