RethinkDB AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Business Intelligence Tools - Page 2

The best Business Intelligence alternative to RethinkDB is CockroachDB, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to RethinkDB and 16 are Business Intelligence Tools so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Business Intelligence Tool alternatives to RethinkDB are Azure Cosmos DB, Amazon Redshift, Vertica and Titan Database.

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RethinkDB alternatives are mainly Relational Databases but may also be Business Intelligence Tools or In-memory Databases.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of RethinkDB.
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The open-source database for the realtime web.

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RethinkDB alternatives page was last updated Feb 8, 2023
  1. Ingres icon
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    Ingres is the leading business open source database. Discover the New Economics of IT. Learn how to lower your TCO over a three-year period.

    54 Ingres alternatives

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    Ingres Features

    1.  Content Management
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    Ingres VS RethinkDB

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  2. SAP HANA icon
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    SAP HANA is a completely re-imagined platform for real-time business.

    It transforms business by streamlining transactions, analytics, planning, predictive, sentiment data processing on a single in-memory database so business can operate in real-time.

    52 SAP HANA alternatives

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    • Online
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    SAP HANA VS RethinkDB

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  3. Oracle TimesTen icon
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    TimesTen is a memory-optimized, relational database management system with persistence and recoverability. Originally designed and implemented at Hewlett-Packard labs in Palo Alto, California, TimesTen was spun out into a separate startup in 1996 and acquired by Oracle...

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  4. Action PSQL icon
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    Actian PSQL combines a NoSQL transactional engine and a SQL relational engine to deliver a zero-DBA database platform for business applications.

    49 Action PSQL alternatives

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    • Windows
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    Action PSQL VS RethinkDB

    Is Action PSQL a good alternative to RethinkDB?
You are at page 2 of RethinkDB alternatives