[From https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gKriOjh1nYwNnqQhvqs5lvzB4bgbN40Jr92KNs71Af4/edit?pli=1#heading=h.g0et8jcz9iak]
The best alternative for ProClarity OLAP Browser (Cross Platform and MOBILE)
(Standalone, can also be embedded - We made our product embeddable, right from the start. Benefit from OLAP rich reporting features.)
Easy to use report designer for non-technical users. All user interfaces are customizable or replaceable - Speed of Thought Performance.
ResEvo.Arrow is compliant with the de-facto industry standards for OLAP:
Multi-dimensional Expressions (MDX), a query language for OLAP.
XML for Analysis (XML/A), a SOAP-based API intended to standardize data access interactions between a client application and an OLAP data provider working over the Web - REST interface or native for IN MEMORY Pentaho Mondrian ROLAP OLAP server.