ReferralCandy AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Customer Feedback Managers

The best Customer Feedback Manager alternative to ReferralCandy is RenegadeWorks. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to ReferralCandy, but unfortunately only one of them is a Customer Feedback Manager.

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ReferralCandy alternatives are mainly Customer Feedback Managers but may also be E-commerce Systems or CRM Systems.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of ReferralCandy.
  • ...

ReferralCandy is a software solution that automates referral programs. It offers customizable features that can be integrated into existing systems to help businesses utilize customer referrals. Its automation features...

More about ReferralCandy
ReferralCandy alternatives page was last updated Jun 12, 2024
  1. RenegadeWorks icon
     1 like

    RenegadeWorks combines customer feedback, online reputation management, customer referrals and other tools to drive new and repeat business. The software allows businesses to build a new customer database, or upload their own.

    30 RenegadeWorks alternatives
    RenegadeWorks screenshot 1

    License model


    • Online

    RenegadeWorks Features

    1.  Reporting
    2.  Feedback collection
    RenegadeWorks iconReferralCandy Icon

    RenegadeWorks VS ReferralCandy

    Is RenegadeWorks a good alternative to ReferralCandy?
1 of 1 ReferralCandy alternatives