RealWorld Cursor Editor AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Icon Editors

The best Icon Editor alternative to RealWorld Cursor Editor is Microangelo Toolset. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked six alternatives to RealWorld Cursor Editor, but unfortunately only one of them is a Icon Editor.

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RealWorld Cursor Editor alternatives are mainly Icon Editors but may also be Shell Extensions. Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of RealWorld Cursor Editor.
  • FreeProprietary
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Create cursors for Windows, convert images to static or animated cursors, or customize your cursor.

More about RealWorld Cursor Editor
RealWorld Cursor Editor alternatives page was last updated Sep 24, 2020
  1. Microangelo Toolset icon

    Create Vista icons with Toolset's Icon Editor. Locate and extract hundreds of hi-resolution, 256x256 icons in your Vista installation. Create icons for all Windows platforms. This suite of icon tools includes four integrated components that excel in their specific areas.

    47 Microangelo Toolset alternatives
    Microangelo Toolset screenshot 1

    License model

    Application type


    • Windows
    Microangelo Toolset iconRealWorld Cursor Editor Icon

    Microangelo Toolset VS RealWorld Cursor Editor

    Is Microangelo Toolset a good alternative to RealWorld Cursor Editor?
    • Microangelo Toolset is the most popular Windows alternative to RealWorld Cursor Editor.

    • Microangelo Toolset is the most popular commercial alternative to RealWorld Cursor Editor.

    • Microangelo Toolset is Paid and ProprietaryRealWorld Cursor Editor is Free and Proprietary
1 of 1 RealWorld Cursor Editor alternatives