Qase AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Project Management Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Qase, but unfortunately only zero of them are Project Management Tools.

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Qase alternatives are mainly Test Automations but may also be Project Management Tools or Web Debuggers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Qase.
Qase iconQase
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Test case management system for Dev and QA teams that makes it easy to manage test cases, compose test plans and perform test runs as an individual or in a team.

More about Qase
Qase alternatives page was last updated May 6, 2020
  1. TestCaseLab icon

    TestCaseLab = strong online test case management = more organised testing = higher quality product Test case management tool for QA engineers to organise quality assurance workflow.

    21 TestCaseLab alternatives
    Test Cases page

    License model


    • Online
    • Software as a Service (SaaS)


    1.  Privacy focused
    2.  Ad-free


    1.  Support for @mentions
    2.  Real time collaboration
    3.  Git Support
    4.  Two-factor Authentication
    5.  Bulk Editing
    6.  Redmine intergation
    7.  Test case management
    8.  Asana integration
    9.  Test management
    10.  Real-time sync
    11.  No implementation cost
    12.  Jira integration
    13.  Linking to test cases & Issues
    TestCaseLab iconQase Icon

    TestCaseLab VS Qase

    Is TestCaseLab a good alternative to Qase?
1 of 1 Qase alternatives