Pornspective icon
Pornspective icon



Enhance your media management with advanced features that enable indexing, thumbnail support, and tagging. Enjoy seamless organization and fast access to your collection, including a built-in video player with bookmarking capabilities and plugin technology for direct downloads.

License model


  • Windows
NSFW Warning

Flagged as NSFW material, usually adult / nudity. Please proceed only if you're comfortable with that.

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Suggest and vote on features
  1.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  3.  Search metadata
  4.  Thumbnail maker
  5. Kodi icon  Kodi integration
  6.  In built video player
  7.  Search by tags
  8.  Video Download
  9.  Tagging

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Pornspective information

  • Licensing

    Proprietary and Commercial product.
  • Pricing

    Subscription that costs $3 per month.
  • Alternatives

    6 alternatives listed
  • Supported Languages

    • English

AlternativeTo Category

Video & Movies

Our users have written 0 comments and reviews about Pornspective, and it has gotten 7 likes

Pornspective was added to AlternativeTo by Daz Smith on Jun 23, 2020 and this page was last updated Nov 13, 2024.
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What is Pornspective?

Windows Explorer and Media Player, mashed up and on steroids, tailored for your Porn Collection.

Need a better way of organising and browsing your Porn Collection? Look no further than Pornspective! Simple, yet effective.

Specify the folders that contain your videos and let Pornspective do the rest. With its inbuilt thumbnailer and intelligent tagging system your Porn Collection will be organised like never before. You can even rename or move your videos and Pornspective will keep up with the changes.

Once indexed, browse your Porn Collection with lightening speed through tagging filters and text searches. When you've found what you're looking for, hit play and watch the video with Pornspective's inbuilt video player supporting custom bookmarking for faster scene access.

You'll wonder how you lived without putting your Porn Collection in perspective with Pornspective!