Our Paint AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Digital Painting Tools

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to Our Paint, but unfortunately only zero of them are Digital Painting Tools.

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Our Paint alternatives are mainly Digital Painting Tools but may also be Image Editors or Photo Editors.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Our Paint.
  • ...

Our Paint is a featureless but programmable painting program.

More about Our Paint
Our Paint alternatives page was last updated Nov 19, 2024
  1. Krita icon

    Free, open-source painting software designed by artists for artists. Offers customizable UI, 9 brush engines, color management, tablet support, non-destructive editing, and privacy features. Portable and available on major platforms, supporting seamless texture creation.

    141 Krita alternatives
    Main Window

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Android Tablet
    • Epic Games Store
    • PortableApps.com
    • Steam


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Digital Drawing
    2.  Blending brushes
    3.  Keyframe Animation
    4.  Drawing 2D
    5.  Advanced brush settings
    6.  Drawing Tablet Support
    7.  Digital-painting focused
    8.  Sketching
    9.  Color blending
    10.  Support for Layers
    11.  Texture painting
    12.  Dark Mode
    Krita iconOur Paint Icon

    Krita VS Our Paint

    Is Krita a good alternative to Our Paint?
    • Krita is the most popular Windows, Mac, Linux & Android Tablet alternative to Our Paint.

    • Krita is the most popular Open Source & free alternative to Our Paint.

    • Krita is Free and Open SourceOur Paint is also Free and Open Source
    • Krita is LightweightOur Paint is not according to our users
  2. Paint.NET icon

    Free Windows image editor with support for layers, plugins, and special effects. Offers intuitive interface, works offline, ad-free, and portable, consuming fewer resources.

    164 Paint.NET alternatives
    Paint.NET screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Windows
    • .NET Framework


    1.  Lightweight
    2.  Minimalistic
    3.  User friendly


    1.  Support for Layers
    2.  Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
    3.  Dark Mode
    4.  Support for image plugins
    5.  Community-based
    6.  Transparency
    7.  History Panel
    8.  Ad-free
    9.  Portable
    10.  Built-in Color Picker
    11.  Works Offline
    12.  No registration required
    Paint.NET iconOur Paint Icon

    Paint.NET VS Our Paint

    Is Paint.NET a good alternative to Our Paint?
  3. Pinta icon

    Pinta is a free, open source drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET . Its goal is to provide users with a simple yet powerful way to draw and manipulate images on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

    105 Pinta alternatives
    Pinta screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • BSD
    • Flathub
    • Mono


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Support for Layers
    2.  Works Offline
    3.  Ad-free
    4.  No registration required
    5.  No Tracking
    6.  Non Destructive Editing
    7.  Dark Mode
    8.  Image Filters
    9.  Multiple languages
    10.  Color correction
    Pinta iconOur Paint Icon

    Pinta VS Our Paint

    Is Pinta a good alternative to Our Paint?
  4. MediBang Paint icon

    MediBang Paint is a lightweight software for illustration and making comic books on Windows and Mac OS.

    73 MediBang Paint alternatives
    Great for anime or comics

    License model

    • FreemiumProprietary


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Android
    • iPhone
    • Android Tablet
    • iPad


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Multi-choice brushes
    2.  Pressure Sensitivity
    3.  Digital-painting focused
    4.  Color blending
    5.  Pen Stabilization
    6.  Keyframe Animation
    7.  Support for Layers
    8.  Dark Mode
    9.  Drawing Tablet Support
    10.  Custom Brushes
    11.  Category Filters
    12.  Texture for brushes
    MediBang Paint iconOur Paint Icon

    MediBang Paint VS Our Paint

    Is MediBang Paint a good alternative to Our Paint?
  5. miniPaint icon

    miniPaint is free online image editor using HTML5. Edit, adjust your images, add effects online in your browser without installing anything. You can use the Electron based version of the editor if you like.

    36 miniPaint alternatives
    miniPaint screenshot 1

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • Online
    • Self-Hosted

    miniPaint Features

    1.  No registration required
    2.  Support for Layers
    3.  Ad-free
    4.  Create New Empty Images
    miniPaint iconOur Paint Icon

    miniPaint VS Our Paint

    Is miniPaint a good alternative to Our Paint?
    • miniPaint is the most popular Web-based & Self-Hosted alternative to Our Paint.

    • miniPaint is Free and Open SourceOur Paint is also Free and Open Source
  6. LazPaint icon

    Raster & vector graphic editor with many tools and filters, written in Lazarus. Portable, 32bit & 64bit versions, ORA format & 16384x16384 image support. In app 3D import & rendering.

    37 LazPaint alternatives
    Main UI

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Mac
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • BSD
    • PortableApps.com
    • Flathub
    • Flatpak


    1.  Lightweight


    1.  Support for Layers
    2.  Reads PDN Format
    3.  Transparent images
    4.  Portable
    5.  Pixel accuracy
    6.  Debian package
    7.  Support for SVG
    8.  Export to SVG
    LazPaint iconOur Paint Icon

    LazPaint VS Our Paint

    Is LazPaint a good alternative to Our Paint?
6 of 6 Our Paint alternatives