nload AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Statistical Analyzers

The best Statistical Analyzer alternative to nload is vnStat, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 10 alternatives to nload, but unfortunately only two of them are Statistical Analyzers.

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nload alternatives are mainly Network Monitors but may also be Network Analyzers or Statistical Analyzers.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of nload.
  • ...

nload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time. It visualizes the in- and outgoing traffic using two graphs and provides additional info like total amount of transfered data...

More about nload
nload alternatives page was last updated Nov 18, 2020
  1.  10 likes

    vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD that keeps a log of network traffic for the selected interface(s). It uses the network interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source.

    10 vnStat alternatives
    Demo CGI page

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source

    Application type


    • Linux
    • BSD

    vnStat Features

    1.  Stats
    2.  Graphs
    3.  Network Graph
    4.  Network Statistics

    vnStat VS nload

    Is vnStat a good alternative to nload?
    Comments about vnStat as an Alternative to nload
    Nanang F. Rozi

    It could monitor and show your server network traffic stats monthly.

    Positive commentSep 28, 2017
    • vnStat is Free and Open Sourcenload is also Free and Open Source
  2.  2 likes

    BandwidthD tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds html files with graphs to display utilization. Charts are built by individual IPs, and by default display utilization over 2 day, 8 day, 40 day, and 400 day periods.

    5 BandwidthD alternatives
    Filtered for the Top Bandwith Usage

    License model

    • FreeOpen Source


    • Linux
    • BSD

    BandwidthD Features

    1.  Graphs
    2.  Stats

    BandwidthD VS nload

    Is BandwidthD a good alternative to nload?
2 of 2 nload alternatives