Nitro Tasks AlternativesOnly apps categorised as Note-taking Tools - Page 2

If that doesn't work for you, our users have ranked more than 100 alternatives to Nitro Tasks, but unfortunately only zero of them are Note-taking Tools.

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Nitro Tasks alternatives are mainly Todo List Managers but may also be Task Management Tools or Note-taking Tools.  Filter by these or use the filter bar below if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Nitro Tasks.
  • ...

Super awesome task management. Nitro is the best way to get things done. It's simple, fast and powerful at the same time. Nitro also syncs with Dropbox or Ubuntu One. Due to the power of Nitro, you'll never get a...

More about Nitro Tasks
Nitro Tasks alternatives page was last updated Feb 3, 2025
  1. TaskCard icon
     1 like

    TaskCard is a simple and visual way to organize your thoughts and tasks into to-do lists. Like sticky notes on the desk, TaskCards can be posted and organized in different sizes and colors around your desktop to help you remember important things or keep lists for projects.

    78 TaskCard alternatives
    TaskCard screenshot 1

    License model


    • Mac
    TaskCard iconNitro Tasks Icon

    TaskCard VS Nitro Tasks

    Is TaskCard a good alternative to Nitro Tasks?
  2. Instapush icon

    Get Instant Notifications for Transactions You Care About.

    263 Instapush alternatives
    Instapush screenshot 1
    Instapush screenshot 2
    Instapush screenshot 3

    License model

    • FreeProprietary


    • Android
    • iPhone

    Instapush Features

    1. IFTTT icon  IFTTT Integration
    2.  Real time collaboration
    3.  Live Push Notifications
    4.  KPI Dashboard
    5.  Push Notifications
    Instapush iconNitro Tasks Icon

    Instapush VS Nitro Tasks

    Is Instapush a good alternative to Nitro Tasks?
You are at page 2 of Nitro Tasks alternatives